Heidi Overman, Licensed Massage Therapist, #MT-24997 Most of my clients ask me, “How often should I get a massage?” This can be a tough question. Because our bodies have gone through different things—we have all had different levels of exercise, different jobs, and adventures through the years—the type of bodywork and how regularly can differ. I like…
Tag: Health
Features, July 2021
2 Your Health: Doctor Specializes in Identifying the Nuances of Cognitive Age-Related Change

Dr. Scott Belanger “Is it normal to experience memory lapses as I get older?” “I feel like I’m pausing more often and searching for words while I’m speaking with others.” These are some of the most common questions and concerns I hear about in my clinical practice. As a neuropsychologist, it is my job to…
Features, June 2021
2 Your Health: Paraffin Treatments During Massage: How Can Paraffin Help?
Heidi Overman, LMT Ahh, paraffin treatments. They feel so good when having a manicure or pedicure. Your hands and feet feel smooth and refreshed. Do you know why you feel so much better after that paraffin treatment, and what other body parts can benefit from it? At the National Holistic Institute, I was taught how…
Generals, May 2021
Health Fair 2021 Scheduled for October 23

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator The 2021 Health Fair is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 23, 9 a.m. to noon. If the pandemic numbers decrease while vaccinations increase, and both SaddleBrooke One and MountainView open their spaces for public use, it is very likely that the 2021 Health Fair will be back in a familiar format. Currently,…
Features, May 2021
2 Your Health: Golf and Massage: Can Massage Help Your Game?
Heidi Overman, LMT How does your body feel when you’re playing golf? Golf is a game that challenges your body. You are twisting, flexing, gripping, and extending muscles in ways you don’t normally do. The movements are quick, and your muscles need to be able to react without pulling and tweaking while hitting your shot.…
Generals, April 2021
Wellness Roundup: The Dangers of Opioid Use in Seniors

Linda Shannon-Hills The SaddleBrooke Ranch Wellness Roundup is sponsoring a Zoom seminar on Friday, April 16, from 5 until 6 p.m. The presentation will provide a better understanding of the dangers of prescription drug misuse, proper storage, and disposal methods, as well as helpful resources to keep you and your family safe. Data from 2018 shows…
Features, April 2021
2 Your Health: Pain Management and How Massage Can Help
Heidi Overman, LMT Pain. It will disrupt your day. Your week. Your months. Your retirement years. But what can you do? A lifetime of drugs? Surgeries? Shots? How about regular massage? Yes. Regular massage can help with muscular pain management. Have you ever had a doctor tell you that your pain is muscular? Then they prescribe some…
Generals, April 2021
Save the Date for the 2021 Health Fair on Oct. 23
Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator The 2020 Health Fair was canceled due to the COVID outbreak and the vulnerability of our community. The 2021 Health Fair is scheduled for Oct. 23, 9 a.m. to noon. If the pandemic numbers decrease while vaccinations increase and both SaddleBrooke One and MountainView open their spaces for public use, it…
Features, February 2021
2 Your Health: Deep Tissue Massage: Why Does Massage Hurt?
Heidi Overman, LMT #MT-24997 Communication is key to a successful massage! Deep tissue massage is often preferred when getting a massage. This type of massage can be very successful in breaking up adhesions, chronic muscular holding patterns, increasing range of motion, decreasing pain, and can break up “stuck” fascia. Deep tissue massage usually focuses on…
Features, January 2021
2 Your Health: Massage and Autoimmune Disease: Are There Benefits?
Heidi Overman, LMT According to the AMTA, in autoimmune diseases, the immune system, which ordinarily defends the body against outside infection, mistakes the body’s own cells, tissues, and organs as foreign—and attacks them accordingly. Some diseases involve one part of the body, such as multiple sclerosis, in which the immune system attacks the central nervous…