Mountain Shadows Is a Protein Partner

Dan Engeljohn Each year, throughout the month of March, our church is the April IMPACT Bag Partner. We collect at least 500 12-oz. cans of animal- and fish-based protein. By March 31, Mountain Shadows delivers the protein to IMPACT of Southern Arizona located in Catalina. The protein is included in the grocery bags stocked with…

Paper Crafters Off to a Great Start!

Nichole Lawhon The Paper Crafters continued community outreach with a partnership with IMPACT of Southern Arizona where custom designed Valentine’s Day cards from our members were delivered to homebound seniors, plus blank Valentine’s Day cards were also included so they could send holiday wishes to their loved ones. We also had members create and donate…

The Golden Goose Receives Legacy Award!

The Golden Goose received the Legacy award from the Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce! On Aug. 13, Larry Clark and our own Stephanie Urdiales stepped up to the podium to receive this prestigious award. What a day, and what an organization! The story of the Golden Goose is an amazing “Cinderella” story: It’s a story…

SBRWOW July Gathering

Deb McGiboney The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women of Wine (SBRWOW) club meets the third Thursday of every month at the Ranch House Grill in the Sol Ballroom. Our next SBRWOW event is Thursday, July 18, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Ranch House Grill Sol Ballroom. We have a fun–filled, packed WOW event coming up!…

Calling all cyclists

Calling all cyclists! Put Saturday, November 22, 2014 on your calendar. IMPACT of Southern Arizona (formerly Catalina Community Services) is a beneficiary of El Tour de Tucson again this year! Here’s a great opportunity to support IMPACT of Southern Arizona and help raise funds! Are you planning on riding in El Tour de Tucson this…