Tag: Republican Club

Conservative/Republican Club News

Nancy Borcalli Please note! In November and December, the SBR Conservatives in Action Club does not hold General Meetings. In place of our regularly scheduled meetings, events are held for “Members Only.” In November, a potluck was held at the home of our president, CJ Utecht and her husband Wayne, to celebrate our first year…

Conservative/Republican Club News

Nancy Borcalli Please Note: The Conservatives in Action will not hold General Meetings in November and December 2024. In place of our regularly scheduled meetings, on Nov. 14 and Dec. 12, special events are being planned for “Members Only.” Details of each event will be emailed to each member. Officer Elections for Conservatives in Action…

Conservative/Republican Club News

Nancy Borcalli Mark your calendars: The general meeting of the SBR Conservatives in Action will be Thursday, Oct. 24, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the SBR La Hacienda Clubhouse, La Mesa/La Montana Rooms. Guest speakers will include: Brad Miller—Candidate for Pinal County Attorney. Brad is committed to securing the border, funding the police, reducing crime,…

SBR-GOP Republican Club to Meet March 16

Kay Lantow Join the Saddlebrooke Ranch GOP Club for our monthly meeting on March 16, at 3:30 p.m., in the La Mesa and La Montana Rooms at the Hacienda Clubhouse. This month, the Arizona Republican Party Chair, Kelli Ward, will discuss local, state, and national issues in the upcoming elections. The Republican Club meetings occur…

Republicans of SaddleBrooke Ranch upcoming meeting

  Mary-Ann Mehlhorn and Carol Sorensen, Co-Chairs Republicans of SaddleBrooke Ranch will meet Monday, November 19, 2018, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at the Hacienda Club in the LaMesa Room. All Republican and Independent voters living at SaddleBrooke Ranch are invited to attend. Early mail-in ballots arrived and have been mailed back. If you are a poll…

Monday meeting for Republicans of SaddleBrooke Ranch

Republicans of SaddleBrooke Ranch will meet Monday, September 17, 2018 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at the Hacienda Club in the La Mesa Room. All Republican and Independent voters living at SaddleBrooke Ranch are invited to this round table discussion about candidates chosen at the August 28 Primary. We will also begin to discuss the propositions that…

Guest speakers highlight Republican Club meetings

Carol Sorensen Every third Monday has been an exciting, informative and always fun afternoon for the Republicans of SaddleBrooke Ranch! We welcome all Republicans and Independents to attend. You will meet the candidates for election in the Primary and also our elected officials. Informative speakers have been the highlight of our meetings this election season.…