Don’t miss SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network’s (SBPRN’s) pet food drive on Wednesday, Oct. 18, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. being held at the SaddleBrooke HOA One parking lot near the bocce ball courts. This food drive benefits the Pets In Need Action League (P.I.N.A.L.), which provides temporary pet food assistance to qualified residents of Pinal County who may…
Tag: SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network
Generals, September 2023
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

My Name Is “Robbie”—Please Consider Opening Your Heart and Home to Me Romayne Trudo I was rescued on July 4, 2023, in SaddleBrooke by volunteers of the SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN). They have been looking for my owner for almost two months. I was wearing a collar, but there were no identification tags or microchip…
Generals, July 2023
Too Late for Dennis, but Others Need Our Help
Generals, June 2023
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Happy Tail: Mocha Double the fun, double the joy! In November 2021, David and Peggy Anne Duffy Cook contacted SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN) to assist them with finding a companion for their senior dog, Mikey. At that time, they adopted an adorable little girl named Sweet Pea, a poodle mix who is now called…
Generals, May 2023
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

New Board Member, Lisa John SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN) would like to introduce our newest board member, Lisa John. Lisa hails from Ridgecrest, Calif., and moved to SaddleBrooke in spring 2021. Before relocating to sunny Arizona, Lisa was a kindergarten and first grade teacher for 30 years. She jokes that this is why her…
Generals, March 2023
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Happy Tail: CoCo Romayne Trudo In December 2022, Denise and Joe Kasile lost their cherished Yorkie-terrier mix named Darla. They were devastated as was their other pup, Rascal, who had lost his pal and playmate. Denise and Joe contacted SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN) asking for assistance in finding another pup. Sometimes the universe gives…
Generals, February 2023
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Monthly Pet Donation Drop-Off Program Karyle Steele Our various pet charities are always in need and are always thankful for your donations. Please consider dropping off any of the items listed below. Cash donations are also accepted and appreciated. The drop-off location is at HOA 1 (SaddleBrooke) bocce ball courts. It is the first Friday…
Generals, December 2022
Happy Tail: It’s a Celebration for Dharma!
Generals, November 2022
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network’s Pet Food Drive a Super Success

Karyle Steele Our annual pet food drive benefits Pets in Need Action League (P.I.N.A.L.), which serves as a pet food bank for all of Pinal County. Families need to qualify for this service and once qualified, they receive pet food from the organization to help them keep their pets instead of having to surrender them…
Generals, October 2022
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

SaddleBrooke Ranch Pet Lovers in Action Each year, SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network holds a pet food drive benefiting the Pets in Need Action League (P.I.N.A.L.) which provides temporary pet food assistance to qualified residents of Pinal County who may be struggling to provide for their pets. This year’s pet food drive on Sept. 30 was…