Frank Shipton Once again, the members of SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary (SSR) are supporting the needs of the homeless in Tucson. With funding received from a recent grant, the SSR purchased and will provide new underwear for homeless women in Tucson supporting the Sister Jose Women’s Center. Additionally, SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary proudly donated to the Make-A-Wish Arizona…
Tag: SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary
October 2023, Clubs & Classes
Congratulations, SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club

Frank Shipton Members of the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary (SSR) celebrated their accomplishments over the past six months while socializing at a local restaurant. SSR, although small in number, has many reasons to be proud. In the past six months, members volunteered more than 752 hours of their time participating in numerous projects, including: Little Folks…
Clubs & Classes, January 2022
2021 Was a Busy Year for SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary

Maggie de Block Fighting hunger, increasing literacy, helping homeless veterans, and caring for our community. SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary members were busy volunteering in 2021 with our service projects that ranged from the Mammoth Food Bank to increasing literacy in the Southern Copper Corridor. Our work began on Jan. 6 at the Mammoth Food Bank, where we…
November 2017
Rotary hosts Golder Ranch Fire District

Maggie deBlock SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary enjoyed a presentation from Golder Ranch Fire District Fire Chief Randy Karrer. On September 21, 2017, Chief Karrer reviewed recent changes in fire districts and commented on the close relationship they have developed with SaddleBrooke residents. Rotary members were reminded of the fire, emergency, medical and other services provided by…