Lee Stastny In 2019, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association (SBRTA) began offering pro-led tennis clinics on Friday mornings. Tennis pro, Doug Miller, provides participants with two hours of tennis drills and instruction. Pro-led instruction is available to all SBRTA members. Also, be sure to mark your calendars for the annual Steiness Tennis festival dinner and…
Tag: Tennis
Sports, August 2019
SBRTA offers Monday Morning Clinics
Lee Stastny Tennis players enjoyed a Monday morning clinic at SaddleBrooke Ranch taught by Sam Calbone and Wayne Watkins. The SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association (SBRTA) offers the Monday Morning Tennis clinics for all SaddleBrooke Ranch residents at all skill levels beginning at 7:00 a.m. on courts three and four. SBRTA upcoming events: Aug. 11: SBRTA…
Sports, August 2019
New courts are coming!
Jenifer Walden Good news! General Acrylics is the company that has been awarded the contract to resurface sports courts 1 and 2. This is the same company that did such a great job constructing courts 3 and 4 a few years ago. Demolition will begin in July and should be completed by the end of…
Sports, July 2019
SBR Tennis Association mixed doubles and poker event highlights
Lee Stastny The SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association held a mixed doubles and poker event on Wednesday, June 12. Players earned playing cards for games won during the two-hour event with prizes awarded to those with the best poker hand during the social event at the Ranch House. Prizes for best poker hand were awarded to…
Sports, April 2019
SBR Tennis Association kicks off the new year with mixed doubles
Sports, February 2019
SBRTTA tournament highlights
SaddleBrooke Ranch Table Tennis Club (SBRTTA) participated in their first inter community table tennis tournament against the club from SaddleBrooke on January 10, 2019. Members participated in both singles and doubles matches. Competition was intense; however, at the end of the day a good time was had by all. SBRTT is comprised of 26 members,…
Front Page, December 2018
2018 Steiness Tennis Festival- French Open at SaddleBrooke Ranch
Susan Pharr Were you lucky enough to attend The French Open over the weekend of October 11-13? The tennis courts were all decked out for our annual Steiness Tennis Festival from the giant LOVE on the outside court to the red, white and blue flags around the area. The Marmots challenged the Chamois and the…
September 2019
Successful and fun tournament
Susan Pharr The SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association hosted a Men’s and Women’s Doubles tennis tournament with the SaddleBrooke Tennis Club on August 1 and 2. There were six men’s teams and five women’s teams playing from each community. The matches consisted of two sets plus a ten-point tie break where warranted. The matches were held…
August 2018
Tennis: doubles domination
Susan Pharr Monday mornings have become pretty busy on the SBR tennis courts as new or returning players show up for a refresher on the game or their strokes and the seasoned players come to learn all about doubles domination! As part of our Training and Development program, the Tennis Association has invested in…