Unit 8A Adopt a Highway participants
Unit 8A Adopts a Highway
Brian Cowman
Have you ever wondered who those people are that pick up trash along the highway? Well, some of those people live at the Ranch in Unit 8A. You may see us out several times a year between milepost 91 and 92, in both the north and southbound lanes. You can’t miss our bright yellow vests and sky-blue bags.
Our first cleanup was done on Saturday, Dec. 11. Participating were Pam Blaess, Brian Cowman, Charlotte and Dennis Eckmeyer, Gerald and Diane Fox, Karl Knight, Linda Sherfy, Mary Jo and Lee Stastny, and Shelley Ziegler.
The AZDOT Adopt-a-Highway program is a way to give back and is great exercise. Also, you would be surprised by what you find!
Anyone wanting to form a group and participate can go to azdot.gov/business/programs-and-partnerships/adopt-highway for more information.
Unit 17 Bocce Ball Event
Karen Adamson
It was a beautiful day for bocce ball on Jan. 21, when nearly 40 residents of Unit 17 gathered to play. It was a very fun event for both experienced and new bocce players. It also allowed plenty of time for mixing and getting to know neighbors.