The WOOO group
Liz Boyd
WOOO is for single women living in SaddleBrooke and the Ranch who want to stay busy and enjoy life. Our activities include:
Dining Out: We go out for dinner on the third Wednesday of each month and enjoy Tucson’s restaurants.
Potlucks: On the fourth Saturday of the month we gather at a member’s home for a potluck dinner and good conversation.
Meetups: Ever feel like going to a place or event but would like some companions to go with you? Every month our members invite other ladies to get together for certain activities. These include concerts, movies, restaurants, happy hours and more.
Games: Like to play games? We have groups of members who gather regularly to play canasta, Mexican Train, Scrabble, mahjong, bridge and others.
Book Club: This group of book lovers meets once a month in SaddleBrooke to have breakfast and discuss a preselected book.
Excursions and travel: We periodically sponsor trips to locations both near and far. We are planning an eight-night trip to Cuba in February 2018.
Join WOOO and you will begin receiving information on all of the above activities. You decide which ones appeal to you. In addition you will be invited to a wine and cheese reception where you can meet other members and learn more about the organization. There is a one-time fee of $12 to join. If you are interested, contact Lynn Crookes at [email protected] or at 433-9759.