Lynbeth Street

SBRWGA Takes Third Place in CWGA Competition

Carol Mihal Fifteen ladies from the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) participated in the 2020-21 City Women’s Golf Association’s (CWGA) Golf Tracks season competition in the Tucson area. The CWGA group, originally formed in 1951, organized five tournaments this year at various golf courses in and around Tucson. This multi-tournament event provides cross-city golf…

CCP Getting Ready! Lights, Staging, and Costumes

Andrea Molberg SaddleBrooke’s theatre group, Community Circle Players (CCP), is eagerly getting ready to bring back live theatre performances. Not only has CCP been dressing up the MountainView stage with new paint, curtains, and lighting, CCP directors and crew tried dressing up themselves with new items in CCP’s costume collection. Thanks go to Sheila Muehling,…

SBRWGA Celebrates Cuatro de Mayo

The ladies of SBRWGA celebrate Cuatro de Mayo golf together.

Carol Mihal On a beautiful morning in early May, 46 ladies of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) celebrated the fourth of May (a day earlier than Cinco de Mayo) by playing a game called The Mexican Hat Dance. This game entailed the players of each team deciding who “La Capitana” would be before teeing…

SBRWGA 2021 La Conquistadora del Sud Tournament

Marlyce Mycka thanking our sponsors for supporting this tournament.

Carol Mihal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) members recently completed their participation in the La Conquistadora del Sud Tournament sponsored by the Southern District Women’s Golf Association (SDWGA) in southern Arizona. This is a two-day low net eclectic tournament, which was played on March 23 and April 13. An eclectic game results in one…

2021 SBR Couples Golf Champions Crowned

Paul Thomsen (center) with Joe and Patty Cimo, gross score champions.

Paul Knott The fourth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Couples Golf Championship tournament, sponsored by PThomsen Consulting, LLC, was held on Sunday, April 11 at SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club. Twenty-six couples competed for gross and net honors, as well as for additional prizes for low net scores in four flights. Shirley Purcell and Bruce Haney won the…

First Colorado Club Social of 2021

Linda Shannon-Hills The spring weather made for a lovely evening on the Ranch House patio, overlooking the lake, fountains, and the beautiful Catalina Mountains, during the first social of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Colorado Club. The group enjoyed socializing again with friends and new residents, previously from Colorado, who now live at SaddleBrooke Ranch. It has been over…

Welcome New Neighbors

Karla and Tim Riordan moved from the California beach to Unit 14B. They are interested in becoming involved with lapidary, painting, and glass works here at SaddleBrooke Ranch. Tom is a graphic artist and enjoys chalk art. They both love reading.

Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills Please extend a warm welcome to our 31 newest homeowners. They come to SaddleBrooke Ranch from 13 different states. This is a record for so many states being represented in one month. Now that they are part of the community, we have a welcome program designed to help the newcomers…

CMSC of MOAA Recap

G. William Myers, Lt., CEC, USN Former The Catalina Mountain Satellite Chapter (CMSC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) held its April meeting on Saturday, April 17. The meeting began with a business session presided over by Col. Bill Nagy, president. Also attending the meeting was special guest Col. William A. Wojciechowski, USAF…

Fine Arts Guild 2021 Summer Classes!

Butterfly by Karen Brungardt

Karen Brungardt The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is up and running! Our spring classes were successful; students learned to paint and are eager for more. We have several upcoming classes, so please read on for details. Watercolor Batik: June 10, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; cost $75 pp, $85 with all supplies included; Karen Brungardt, Instructor…

Health Fair 2021 Needs More Volunteers

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator The 2021 Health Fair is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 23 from 9 a.m. to noon, and everything looks positive. The planning committee has reserved the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse and most of MountainView to feature a good representation of exhibitors, while meeting whatever social distancing standards are in place at the time. The guidelines…