Lynbeth Street

Welcome New Neighbors

Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills The Newcomer’s Gathering is a chance for our new residents to introduce themselves to the community and to other new residents just arriving. This gives new residents a chance to meet other new residents and to hear about activities and events at the Ranch. Resident veterans have volunteered to come…

Another banner year for the Women’s Club

Marian Bianchini Time does fly, and with a host of activities and programs, this year was no exception! To kick off our year, we had the team from ULTA join us to educate the membership in beauty trends spanning hair care, skin care and cosmetics. That was followed by our first ever off-site event at…

Writers’ Guild

  Come check out our Saddlebrooke Ranch Writing Guild. We meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in the La Vista room from 1:00-3:00 p.m. After discussing a topic on how to improve our writing, we share excerpts from our own memoirs, essays, fiction or family stories. If you have questions about…

Ranchette Putters news and playday results

Camille Esterman While the Ranchette Putters usually welcome the chance to putt before the heat of the day, the 8:00 a.m. start time in May brought unpredictable, changeable weather. And many of the putters changed clothes accordingly, dressing in layers for our desert conditions. The Ranchette Putters are proud to announce this month’s winners for…

Heart to heart

Simply heartwarming…that was the feeling as the Ranch Piecemakers were finishing up their latest project. Community outreach is a significant part of the Piecemakers’ activities and we recently combined efforts to make quilts for cancer and dialysis patients. Each club member made individual “blocks” using a pieced heart pattern. Everyone’s personality came shining through; the…

What’s new at the SaddleBrooke Ranch Democratic Club?

At the May 20 meeting of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Democratic Club, we were honored to host Dianne Post, International attorney/consultant. She informed us of the important issues in our state capital, recent bills being brought before the state house and senate and the results of others. The SaddleBrooke Ranch Democratic Club was formed in 2017.…

Hearing Vibes

  The hidden disability: hearing loss – how you can help Maria Menconi Hearing loss is very frustrating. Even if you have identified and sought help for your loss, many friends and family forget that you have a loss that is sometimes challenging. This article though will focus on family members and friends who may…

Summer Line Dancing with Rebecca

  Dr. Mark Magdanz Classes are lling rapidly for a July 10 summer kickoff of an eight-lesson series. This summer series, dancers will be spending time in the comfortable A/C of the Hacienda tness room. As always, lots of dance steps (about 4,000-5,000 per class) are being lled with fun and helping to cover your…