SBR “We Be Beaders” Roberta Bowers SaddleBrooke Ranch We Be Beaders is sending out a huge thank you to everyone who supported our special Cancer Fundraising Jewelry Sale during the month of October. (October is designated as Cancer Awareness Month.) Our club members created and handmade all the jewelry pieces displayed and sold. One hundred…
Generals, December 2022
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings

Become an SBCO Volunteer and Help Local Students Succeed Nancy McCluskey-Moore SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) was founded in 1997 to meet the needs of children living in the 11 current and former mining communities in the “Copper Corridor,” stretching 100 miles north of Catalina, Ariz. SBCO’s mission of providing children with opportunities to succeed is…
Sports, December 2022
What Is a Dinking Diva?
Features, December 2022
Memories Matter Walk to End Alzheimer’s Disease

Florence Messer On Oct. 15, as Florence and Ross Messer prepared to drive to the Sol Ballroom parking lot of SaddleBrooke Ranch for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, which they organized, the sky darkened, but then a rainbow appeared, giving hope that a cure for this dreaded disease is on the horizon. Alzheimer’s has affected…
Generals, December 2022
Tennis Shoes for the Homeless Program Receives Ben’s Bell Kindness Award

Kim Fay Tennis Shoes for the Homeless was recently recognized by Ben’s Bells for its program that provides gently used tennis shoes for the homeless in the Tucson region. The mission of Ben’s Bells is to inspire people to practice kindness as a way of life and create a ripple effect of kindness throughout communities.…
Sports, December 2022
Swim Club Enjoys First Season Away Meet!

Claire Guidas In late October, 24 Swim Club members attended the two-day Ron Johnson Invitational Swim Meet at the Arizona State University Pool in Tempe, Ariz., where a total of about 200 swimmers competed. Both seasoned swimmers as well as new Swim Club attendees enjoyed the perfect temperatures and sunny weather along with the friendly…
Clubs & Classes, December 2022
Mudslingers Pottery Club Celebrates 4 Years!

Patti Jo Lewis We are celebrating our 4th anniversary. During the pandemic, our membership dropped, but 2022 was a great rebuilding year. We hope to add even more potters to our club in 2023. Look for announcements for introductory classes to begin soon. Last-minute holiday shoppers, there’s no need to leave the Ranch. Visit the…
Clubs & Classes, December 2022
SBR Art Club Offering Beginner Watercolor Painting in January

Dale Farland Many SaddleBrooke Ranch members of the SBR Art Club have expressed interest in learning the fundamentals of watercolor painting. Well, now is your opportunity to learn this artistic medium. SaddleBrooke resident and artist Karen Brungardt will be teaching this class over four Thursday morning sessions starting Jan. 5, 2023. You may have seen Karen’s…
Clubs & Classes, December 2022
Members Enjoyed ‘Wines Around the World’ Festival

Lorraine Smith More than 150 members participated in the Wine Club’s best event of the year! This festival was held in the Sol Ballroom on Oct. 24. Our members explored seven wine regions and food pairings that exquisitely complimented each of the wines. They traveled around the world with a “passport” where they received a…
Sports, December 2022
News from the Softball World!

King Mitchell (aka Mitch) Well softball fans, the softball world here in the SaddleBrooke ‘hood is into the fall season. That means, among other things, that most of our fall and winter snowbirds have drifted on in and the rosters are filling up. It’s good to see them back. Well, most of them—yours truly generally…