
Square Up for a Fun, Free Square Dance Lesson October 5

Rebecca Williams The Rancheros Square Dance Club joined its sister club, the SaddleBrooke Squares, and members of the Western Whirls and the Mesa Checkmates from downtown Tucson and Mesa at a dance held on Sept. 3. There were more than 40 people enjoying the dance. Would you like to give this fun activity a try for yourself? The…

Pickleballs and Chains

Debora Witten The Pickleballs and Chains group plays each Tuesday night from 6 to 8 p.m. Present for this picture were Darlynn Nero, Joe Cimo, Cris Masters, Pete Gaiser, Barry Feinberg, Brian Nero, Denise Carlton, Brenda Wright, Patty Cimo, Davitt Armstrong, Tony Sullivan, Shirley Sullivan, and Jeanne Nordstrom.

What Is Pickleball?

Come join the fun and find out! Learn about pickleball on Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 3 p.m. Please arrive 15 minutes early at the Ramada for paperwork. Space is limited to 28 people, so visit our website at to register, then click on “Click to reserve a space” below the flyer sign. What you’ll need…

Ranchette Putters Awarded for Outstanding Putting

Pam Engelhardt August was another month the Ranchette Putters showed off their skills. With two putting lessons from our SaddleBrooke Ranch Pros Mike Jahaske and Ken Steinke, the Ranchette Putters had another record-breaking month, with 252 holes-in-one! Way to go, ladies! The following Ranchette Putters were awarded gift cards for their outstanding putting. Lowest Gross Average: Barbara…

September Screen Melts in the Glass Studio

Andrea Cothran Ever been out on the golf course and noticed the beautiful glass pieces in many backyards here at the Ranch? How about during a barbecue at a neighbor’s home? It’s no doubt a screen melt made by one of our members in the Glasshopper Studio! Members were busy during September creating even more of these unique…

Holiday Velvet Scarves Class

Dale Farland In July, instructor Mary Gavan held a class teaching the art of creating beautiful silk scarves. Everyone who took that class went home with two incredible, personal scarves. By popular demand, Mary is returning in time to teach another class for the holidays. This class will focus on velvet scarves and will be…

Mudslingers Pottery—Ready for the ARTwalk

Patti Jo Lewis The SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) ARTwalk is just weeks away. This is an annual event that draws folks from everywhere. The dates are Saturday, Oct. 21, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday, Oct. 22, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Mudslingers are gearing up to display their pottery pieces. This year’s event is a special opportunity to find…