
The National Association of Home Builders Recognizes Robson Communities as the Best 55+ Builder of the Year

Robson Communities was named the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Best 55+ Builder of the Year during the 2020 NAHB International Builders’ Show in Las Vegas, NV. The annual awards program honors excellence in the mature housing market. “It is an absolute honor to be recognized by the National Association of Home Builders for…

Master Gardeners Booth at SaddleBrooke Ranch Club Expo

Jay Dunn On Saturday, Feb. 8, SaddleBrooke Ranch held their Club Expo at the Sol Ballroom. Master Gardeners Laurie McCoy, Julie Peek, Roxanne Watson, and Zann Wilson manned the table for SaddleBrooke Master Gardeners, who serve SaddleBrooke One, SaddleBrooke TWO, and SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR). They shared information with SBR residents about Master Gardener services, programs,…

Senior Olympics from the Ranch

Alastair Stone SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Club sent 41 players down the road to participate in this tournament at the end of January. And SBR came away with 20 medals—a fantastic achievement! Our new president, Rick Heine, partnered by Angela Jerman, took home gold in the 3.5 70+ category, and Norbert Weisbeck and Deb Lawson, won…

Come Join the Ukulele Group

Roger Fisher The Ukulele Group of SBR began with 23 smiling faces getting the groove of strumming, singing, changing chords, and having fun. Why has Ukulele playing become such a new worldwide phenomena? Learning to play encourages the development of the brain – important in aging, encourages social interaction, and is just plain fun! Almost…

March Gardening Lecture

Margaret Larmour The Gardeners Exchange, in conjunction with the SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners, invites you to attend Bullet Proof Plants, presented by Harlow Garden’s manager and TV personality, Debbie Mounce. The program will be presented at the MountainView West Ballroom at SaddleBrooke on Thursday, March 26, at 1 p.m. Debbie, a lifelong desert gardener, will…

Catalinas Community Chorus

Donna Langwig On Sunday, March 22, 2020, at 3:00 p.m., you are invited to enjoy A Spring Choral Showcase, presented by the Catalinas Community Chorus. The concert will take place at Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church, 3001 E. Miravista Lane in Catalina (on the west side of Oracle Rd., 3.7 miles north of…

“Voices of America” Spring Concert

Alastair Stone Oracle’s community chorus, Voices in the Oaks Chorale, will perform their spring concert on March 29, 3 p.m., at Oracle Center for the Arts. Choral director, Donte’ Ford has selected works that reflect the theme Voices of America, including songs from well-known composers such as Aaron Copland, Rollo Dilworth, Irving Berlin, and several…