
Writing Guild

Joy Hellard If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. But what if it’s so broken, that people feel powerless to fix it? Not “my car won’t start” broken or even “my best friend lied to me” broken. A brokenness which makes people jump in grocery stores when a jar crashes to the floor, startle at…

Dr. Watson Helps Putters Fund Two Charities

Camille Esterman A generous contribution by Dr. Steve Watson, the owner of Chiropractic USA, enabled the Ranchette Putters to contribute to two charities. Dr. Watson turned over $770 of fees charged for initial consultations from club members to our organization. At the January meeting, putters voted to distribute the funds to Esparanza Quilters/Casa Alitas project,…

Ukulele Group News

Ken Kronen We are proud to announce that a new ukulele group has been formed for beginners and beyond at SaddleBrooke Ranch. We meet weekly, on Wednesdays, from 4-5 p.m., in La Mesa Room, Hacienda Club, SaddleBrooke Ranch. Welcome to the new folks who signed up for the ukulele group of SBR. As of this…

Spring Concert Notice

Charles Meier The Arizona Choral Society (ACS), accompanied by a small group of instrumentalists, will present its Spring Concert entitled Flight Song, featuring inspiring musical selections of nature, refuge and peace, on Sunday, April 5 at 3:30 p.m., at the Catalina United Methodist Church, 2700 E. Speedway Blvd. in Tucson. Pre-concert tickets are $20; at the…

Do you need a new bed, mattress, bedding, or accessories?

Sleep on it until April 25, when your one-stop, best-price solution comes to SaddleBrooke! SaddleBrooke Troop Support and Custom Fundraising Solutions is bringing you great pricing on top brands while helping in-need troops of Southern Arizona. Get 40-60% off retail on adjustable bases, bed frames, and mattresses. Get prices even Amazon can’t beat on bedding and accessories.…

SBRWGA Announces Most Improved Player for 2019

Carol Mihal Following the ladies golf playday on Tuesday, Jan. 14, Jean Cheszek (SBRWGA President for 2019) announced that the Most Improved Player for 2019 was Marci Whitehead! Marci was given a beautifully engraved award to recognize her accomplishment. Marci started the year with a 27.3 handicap index, and completed 2019 with a 21.2 handicap…

SBR Piecemakers Community Outreach Quilts

Lorraine Smith The Ranch Piecemakers adopted La Casa de Paz as the beneficiary for its community outreach project during 2019. During the year, Piecemaker members stitched together over 28 quilts which were donated to this women’s domestic violence shelter in Pinal County. In addition, CJ Kerley spearheaded a Holiday Clothing Drive and drove over to…

“Prescription Drugs, Over-the-Counter Medications, Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements, Can They Work Together?” – With Jack Fincham

Linda Shannon-Hills When you take prescription or over-the-counter medications, do you also take vitamins, minerals or other dietary supplements? Have you considered whether there is any danger in mixing medications and dietary supplements? Some dietary supplements may increase the effect of your medication, and other dietary supplements may decrease it. Certain dietary supplements can change absorption, metabolism,…

“The Outsider” is Coming to SaddleBrooke Ranch on March 18

Tim Morsani The Community Circle Players is bringing its latest dinner-theater production, The Outsider, to SaddleBrooke Ranch for a one-night performance on Wednesday, March 18. The political satire by Paul Slade Smith, presented by arrangement with Playscripts, Inc., deals with the trials and tribulations of an unknown career government official reluctantly thrust into the political…