
SBR National Parks Club’s upcoming day trip!

Rob Lonjers Do you find inspiration in our national parks? We are a newly formed club at SaddleBrooke Ranch called the National Parks Club where we will learn together about the national parks and monuments. Please join us! Perhaps you want to learn more about these treasures, share your past adventures, help plan future trips,…

Master Gardener Program: November Gardening Lecture

Margaret Larmour The Gardeners Exchange of SaddleBrooke Ranch, in conjunction with the SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners, welcomes you to attend a presentation by landscape designer Dawn Fried on Thursday, Nov. 21, at SaddleBrooke MountainView West Ballroom at 1 p.m. Local author, Dawn Fried, will be sharing her expertise about desert gardening practices, as well…

Thank You Friends

Steve Groth, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) president Thank you, SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club and residents who participated in the Golfer Appreciation Day, for your donation of $2,359. This contribution will fund 31 fall wardrobes for our kids!

Writing Guild

Tove Pape The SaddleBrooke Ranch Writing Guild is a group dedicated to improving writing skills. We meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the La Vista Room from 1 p.m. to 30 p.m. After discussing a topic on how to improve our writing, we share excerpts from our own memoirs, essays, fiction,…

Third annual SBR Mahjongg Cards for Charity

Janice Neal Mahjongg is a very popular game at SaddleBrooke Ranch, and we have many players new to the game as well as those who have played for years. There are weekly games played on Thursdays in La Hacienda Club (and sometimes lessons), coordinated by Gail Latimer and Bonnie Goldman. There are multiple private groups…

SBR Source Book delivery

The 2019-20 Source Book provides residents with general community information and a directory of homeowners.

Nancy Moore The Robson Resort Community annually produces the Source Book, an official community telephone and local business directory for SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch. Since 2001, delivery of this directory to each residence has been provided by SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) volunteers. To date, this project has raised $34,869 to fund SBCO programs that benefit local…

Spotlight on Advertiser: The Paseo Financial Group

What happens to heirs when a reverse mortgage borrower dies? What if your parent or spouse dies who had a reverse mortgage? Do you inherit the house? Do you have to repay the reverse mortgage loan? Will the reverse mortgage lender make you sell the deceased’s belongings or empty his or her bank accounts to repay…

Young entrepreneur awarded SBCO college scholarship

Ron Andrea Cassandra Frye was not only an honors student in high school, but he also was a rodeo champion and entrepreneur. Now, she is beginning her studies in pre-veterinary medicine at Arizona State University with support from a SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) college scholarship. Cassandra grew up on a small ranch and started her…

Papercrafting preparing for Halloween

Carol Smith The Papercrafting Club prepared for Halloween early by attending a class held by Lori Neal and making adorable Halloween cards. The class was well attended, and each card had its own special individuality. The pumpkin on the card lights up with a battery-operated tea light. Lori is a member of our Papercrafting Club…