LT William Myers, CEC USN Former The leadership of the former Catalina Mountains Satellite Chapter is happy to announce that our organization has become Arizona’s newest chapter of the Military Officer’s Association of America (MOAA). For the past eight years, we have been a satellite of the Tucson Chapter. Becoming our own chapter had been…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, October 2022
Mudslingers Pottery Club—Let’s Get Our Hands Dirty
We have a very exciting upcoming event here at the Ranch. The fall ARTwalk is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 22 and 23. Many of our potters are displaying their works in our studio at the Arts and Technology Center, and some potters will be displaying their work at their homes. These two fun-filled…
Clubs & Classes, October 2022
National Park Club Events
Nancy Eisenstein National Park Club members carpooled to Saguaro National Park back in May for their first outing since COVID-19. After viewing the park video at the visitor center, the group took the Signal Hill Trail, which led to petroglyphs of the ancient Hohokam people. Some members brought a picnic lunch for an al fresco…
Clubs & Classes, October 2022
SBR Billiards Club Wins Tournament
Camille Esterman On Aug. 20, 2022, the pool sharks from the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Billiards Club circled the four slate tables at SaddleBrooke and captured the traveling bronze 8-ball Partners Challenge Plaque. Shooters from SBR included Bruce Keller, Gene Renner, Phil “the Fixer” Jelleff, Jim Kauffman, Jim Mabbott, Tim Connolly, Karl “English” Knight, Kurt Warning, and Cliff…
Clubs & Classes, October 2022
SaddleBrooke Ranch Women of Wine Invite Fellow Wine Lovers to Join The Fun
Deb McGiboney and Susie Morrill invite fellow wine lovers to SaddleBrooke Ranch Women of Wine (SBRWOW). We meet the third Wednesday of each month. The next gathering is Wednesday, Oct. 19, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Ranch House Grill Event Patio! There will be a portable bar set up for you to order…
Clubs & Classes, October 2022
SaddleBrooke Ranch Writing Guild
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Writing Guild is a group dedicated to improving our writing skills. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the La Vista Room at the La Hacienda Club from 1 to 3 p.m. If you have any questions about the club, please contact Joy Hellard at [email protected]. Change By Nancy…
Clubs & Classes, October 2022
Skygazers: Dr. Megan Mansfield to Speak at October Meeting

Sam Miller The SaddleBrooke Skygazers Astronomy Club is pleased to host Megan Mansfield, Ph.D., a NASA Sagan Fellow at the University of Arizona’s Stewart Observatory, on Sunday, Oct. 9, at the DesertView Theater, 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive, at 7 p.m. She will speak on “Searching for Atmospheres on Rocky Planets with the James Webb Space…
Clubs & Classes, October 2022
Make New Friends and Great Harmonies with the SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus

Bruce Kistler, SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus President Remember those songs you used to listen to or sing as a young man? Your local SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus has kept the Barbershop tradition going since 1998. Barbershop music features easily singable melodies with close harmonies in an a cappella style. In barbershop music, the melody is usually sung…
Clubs & Classes, October 2022
October Rotary Club

The Shelves Are Bare! Barbara Barr Imagine trying to survive on Social Security, a job at the local fast-food joint, or food stamps after losing your job. Imagine scraping away to pay the electric bill, the water bill, and the rent or mortgage and not having enough left over to purchase shampoo, deodorant, or even…
Clubs & Classes, October 2022
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Dance Club Is Very Active

We thank our founding three who put this club together: President John Hess, John Green, and Mark Holden. There are others who support and help out tremendously to keep the club going…and who attend every dance! Here’s some history on three women who love to dance and are always there to help in every way:…