Linda Shannon-Hills Overwhelmed with moving to SaddleBrooke Ranch? New community, new state, new home—where can you find all the information to make settling into this new community easier? Join the Newcomers Welcome Program for the next webinar on July 9 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. Send an email to Linda Shannon-Hills at [email protected] for registration…
Category: Generals
Generals, July 2021
SaddleBrooke Ranch ARTwalk Is Back!

Linda Shannon-Hills After canceling the 2020 SBR ARTwalk, we are excited to announce the scheduling of the eighth annual SBR ARTwalk. For the first time, the ARTwalk is scheduled for two days, on Saturday, Oct. 23, and Sunday, Oct. 24, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. The SBR ARTwalk is an open-studio tour inviting…
Generals, July 2021
Time to Get Your SaddleBrooke Ranch Name Badge

Linda Shannon-Hills It is a challenge to remember everyone’s name you meet at the Ranch, especially during these last 18 months while wearing face masks to protect ourselves. To help you and other residents, the Newcomers Welcome Group recommends you order a name badge to wear around the Ranch. The white SBR name badge is held on…
Generals, July 2021
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings
Supporter and Volunteer Awards for 2020-21 Nancy McCluskey-Moore For more than 20 years, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) has supported food, clothing, and educational programs for local children. Annually SBCO serves a 100-mile corridor stretching from Catalina to Miami to San Carlos, Ariz., which includes more than three counties, eight communities, and approximately 4,000 youngsters. As an…
Generals, July 2021
Oracle School Preschool Graduates Class of 2034

Chris Crum On May 21, family and friends of 17 proud 4-year-old children gathered for graduation from the Oracle School District’s preschool program. The 10 girls and seven boys marched into the auditorium to the strains of “Pomp and Circumstance,” wearing white and blue caps. The class performed five songs for their enthusiastic audience before a few…
Generals, July 2021
Welcome New Neighbors

Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills, Co-Chairs, Newcomers Welcome Volunteers We are happy to welcome our 15 newest homeowners to SaddleBrooke Ranch. We have a great welcoming program for our homeowners, with a cadre of volunteers to provide important information. However, the first person new homeowners usually meet is Jamie Shipley at the front desk, who…
Generals, July 2021
Grief Support Continues
Kristina Turner GriefShare is a Christian-based, 13-week support group that has helped many folks make the very difficult journey through grief. This group welcomes anyone who has suffered the death of a spouse, child, or other loved one, whether it has been recent or years ago. The program includes a video presented by professionally trained…
Generals, July 2021
Unit Happenings

Unit 8B Jodde Weiland Our SaddleBrooke Ranch neighborhood, Unit 8B, was finally able to come together after COVID-19 and celebrate as a unit on May 14. The Unit 8B happy hour took place in Rick and Jodee Weiland’s backyard where neighbors came together to celebrate friendships, both new and old! Many of those present moved into…
Generals, July 2021
American Legion Oro Valley Charity Golf Tournament
Ed Davis You too can help our less-fortunate Veterans. If you would like to make a meaningful difference in the lives of local Veterans in need, there is no better way than to support your local American Legion Veterans Service Organization. “The American Legion Oro Valley Post 132 has been a steadfast ray of hope…
Generals, July 2021
SaddleBrooke Ranch’s Sixth Annual Cancer Walk

Sandy Jessop The pandemic prevented many events last year, but the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Light the Night was not one of them. At least, not here at SaddleBrooke Ranch, where we stayed strong, brave, and resilient. Our 6th annual cancer walk was turned into a drive, as more than 25 golf carts joined together last…