Social Ballroom Dance Club News

Carol Osgood, PR Committee The SaddleBrooke Ranch Social Ballroom Dance Club is for all dancers. Improve your skills or learn to dance for the very first time! It is all for fun, with a wonderful social network. You can dance like no one is watching! The March Dance and Dine in the Sol Ballroom was…

2 Your Health: Deep Tissue MassageWhy Does Massage Hurt Sometimes? Communication is Key to a Successful Massage!

Heidi Overman, LMT #MT-24997 Deep tissue massage is often preferred when getting a massage. This type of massage can be very successful in breaking up adhesions, chronic muscular holding patterns, increasing range of motion, decreasing pain, and can break up stuck fascia. Deep tissue massage usually focuses on a specific problem and can help you…

Oracle Schools Foundation

Since voters approved the override continuation and bond for the Oracle School District last November, I’ve had a few people ask me “who will provide oversight of the projects and spending?” My quick answer to this question is “your governing board”. We take our oversight responsibility very seriously, and are committed to delivering return on…

SaddleBrooke Health Fair Update

Phyllis Ketring The upcoming SaddleBrooke Health Fair will be later than usual this year. Mark your calendars and remind your traveling friends and neighbors that the 2020 Health Fair will be Oct. 24. This date change may allow more people to attend this always popular event. Volunteers are the heartbeat of the fair. If you…