Conquering the dog days of summer

Front row (left to right): Jacque Hendricks, Vicki Godbey, Roxanne Watson, Debbie Norwood, and Sandi Fredrickson. Back row: Terri Stewart, Doris Carlin, Terry Pendy, Mary Schlachter, Sue Marx, and Debi Kerth. Photo by Camille Esterman.

Camille Esterman The August skies find the Dog Star, Sirius, rising and setting with the sun. Ancient astronomers thought that the star shared its heat with the sun, creating extra hot weather. Record setting heat and humidity, however, did not stop the Ranchette Putters from rising to the challenge and conquering these steamy conditions. Each…

Focus on the future – Prop 438

Ronald Green, Focus on the Future Committee This November, the Pinal County has an election, in which residents will receive their ballot in early October. This election is a “mail in only” election. We would like to provide you information on two propositions that will be on the ballot, Proposition 438 and Proposition 439, both supporting important…

SBR residents volunteer for psych simulation at U of A College of Nursing

The entire class with SaddleBrooke Ranch volunteers: (second row) Linda Harvey, Cheryl Margolis, Lisa Brown, Beth Hinton, Susan Engebretson, Sandy Jessop, and Steve Weiss. Program leaders: (standing third row) Beth Lee, SaddleBrooke Ranch resident and course co-chair; Morgan Stock, course co-chair; Colleen Green, graduate assistant; and Susan Markovich, former course co-chair.

Steve Weiss On two days at the end of August, seven SaddleBrooke Ranch residents volunteered to help another SaddleBrooke Ranch resident to act as simulated psychology patients for the nursing program at the U of A College of Nursing. The conditions which the volunteers could choose to represent included schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, post-traumatic…

Mary Snowden wins the Southern District Telegraph tournament

Lee Rinke, Cheri Alfrey, Marion Ewing, Sue Wells, Denise Sandoval, and Lorraine Smith enjoying ice cream.

Jeanne Osterlund SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) held its 2019 Telegraph tournament on Aug. 27. There’s an interesting background for history buffs. This tournament began years ago prior to many organized sport associations, and when most players were unable to travel to competitions. Local competitions were held, and the results were sent via telegraph to…