Israel then Israel now

Cari Block The trip to Israel in March of 1979 seems lifetimes ago How the world has changed in 40 years How I have changed From the anxious young woman Sleepless, fearful, neurotic, shaky Hurt by lies and unfaithfulness Unsure of where life could go next Gathering courage to strike out In a new direction…

SBRPA summer and fall activities

Pickleball players have lots of events to get involved in during late summer and early fall. Competitive Events Summer League Play for mixed doubles begins in late September. Thursday, September 26, SBRPA is hosting a tournament with Encanterra. Levels 2.5-4.0+ Men’s and Women’s doubles, as well as Mixed doubles are invited to play. Tuesday, October…

Food choices promote a long and healthy lifespan

Nancy Teeter, RDN Few people want to live their final years incapacitated, requiring increasingly more medical care, drugs, and support. Instead, they prefer to live life like most centenarians: independent, vibrant, and grateful for each new day. The personal choices you make have a significant impact on the quality of the remainder of your life.…

Putters survive nature’s hazards

Left to right: Sandy Getter, Debi Kerth, Terry Pendy, Denise Sandoval, Randy Brosnahan, Corky Mansmith, and Laurie Crowe.

Camille Esterman Weather conditions during the month of July were not ideal for early morning putting. Mother Nature provided a lot of heat, humidity and even a swarm of mosquitos one Wednesday morning. Determined to survive these natural hazards, Ranchette Putters arrived each week dressed for the elements and carrying extra water, sunscreen, and bug…

Writing Guild

The Mix Joy Hellard, Writing Guild Submission When I was eight, my family purchased a small Kentucky farm. In my mother’s opinion, the ownership of land included the solemn and sacred vow of growing a home garden. At season’s end, the preserving and canning of all vegetables was also mandatory. All summer long my family…