Morris, John and Liz 61118 E Flint Drive 520-742-1752 Updegraff, Edgar 60872 E Arroyo Vista Drive 520-299-3321 Hometown/State: Boone, IA
December 2017
Source Book™ additions
December 2017
Republicans of SBR welcome elected officials and candidates
Carol Sorensen The Republicans of SaddleBrooke Ranch is a monthly group that meets to learn from our Arizona elected officials, discuss national, state and local issues and learn how we can participate in the government process. Each month we have a guest speaker or a roundtable discussion. Recently we heard from our Legislative District 8…
December 2017
They came; they walked; they raised money
Nancy McCluskey-Moore Thanks to the efforts of 212 registered walkers, 21 corporate sponsors, seven individual sponsors and 32 hardworkin.olunteers, the 21st annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Walkathon on October 28 raised $10,592. Perfect weather and careful planning by the SBCO events committee helped ensure that everyone enjoyed the morning’s walk and hearty breakfast. This year…
December 2017
SaddleBrooke Ranch employee appreciation donations
Ardith Rossi Since 2012 the residents of SaddleBrooke Ranch, through the Employee Appreciation Committee, have celebrated the 40+ employees of The Bistro, Patrol, Facilities/Maintenance and Gate Greeters during the holiday season. These individuals serve us our food and mix our drinks, watch over our homes while we travel, maintain and repair the facility, keep the…
December 2017
Thank you from YOTO
Carol Smith Laundry day donations from SaddleBrooke Ranch residents were awesome! Thank you everybody for your generosity. Youth On Their Own was super excited for the wonderful, much-needed donation. As some of you know YOTO, Youth On Their Own, is a program that supports and guides youth living on their own to continue high…
Front Page, December 2017
The Ranch revs up for the holidays
Linda Shannon-Hills Neighbors at SaddleBrooke Ranch, dig out your holiday decorations for the Holiday Cart Parade on Friday, December 15, starting at 2:00 p.m. from La Hacienda Clubhouse. Last year was so much fun, but this year will be even better. Some of the ideas from last year might inspire your creativity to make that…