Robson Challenge results

The Robson Cup this year was hosted by Robson Ranch. SaddleBrooke Ranch placed fourth among the eight teams. Flight 3: Marlyce Mycka placed 1st, Colleen Carey placed 3rd with a closest to the pin and Brenda Armenia placed 5th. Flight 4: Janice Mihora placed 1st. Good job, team. We plan on hosting the cup in…

Baby, it’s cold outside!

Children visiting Kids’ Closet in Fall of 2015

Anni Evans, V.P. Kids’ Closet Fall and winter can be particularly hard for many of the children Kids Closet serves. With the weather getting cold, these children come to the Closet for warm winter clothes including a knit stocking cap. We at Kids’ Closet are so grateful to the many knitters that provide us with…

Dinner dance to support our troops was a great success

Col. Charlie Carr and head table; photography courtesy of Bill George

The SaddleBrooke Troop Support (STS) Dinner Dance was held on November 13 at MountainView’s Ballroom with over 100 people in attendance to enjoy the dinner, entertainment and dancing. To start the festivities, Joyce Sutay introduced the special guests at the head table: Marine Colonel (ret) Charlie Carr and his wife, two active duty Marines and…

Sisal – once known as the “green gold” of the Yucatan

Linda Stack-Chenok Many of you may be acquainted with sisal rugs. That really was my only reference point until I recently visited the Yucatan and delved into the interesting background and history of sisal production. Sisal, which comes from a certain type of agave plant (different from the one for tequila) was once called the…

Health Night Out – January 25 Every beat of your heart

Dr. Joseph Vaglio is a cardiologist who will speak at the January HNO.

Phyllis Ketring Dr. Joseph Vaglio is a cardiologist who specializes in heart rhythm disorders. The heart is a remarkable organ that can generate its own electrical impulses and allows the heart to beat uninterrupted over the course of a lifetime. Cardiac rhythms are an elegant ballet of intracellular ion movement, coordinated electrical conduction and cardiac…

Native American Flute Circle

Carol Lawrence The first meeting of our Flute Circle was a huge success with seven people attending. Of those seven, three had no previous experience playing the NAF (Native American Flute). It was especially exciting and gratifying to share in their introduction to this fascinating, ancient instrument. Though each of us is on an individual…