Category: Clubs & Classes

Hacienda line dance lessons start in April

Dr. Mark Magdanz Fun exercise fact for your brain: It turns out that dancing in all forms is among the very best activities; line dancing as well as partners! Dancing provides some aerobic activity, learning, balance, coordination, social interaction and fun. Lots of laughter is also proven to be great for the immune system. Since…

SBR Technology Club continues to offer more

Linda Shannon-Hills April offered a new discussion group for members. On the second Monday of each month from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. we will be having open discussions about a topic for the month. The facilitators and members of the club can suggest topics they would like to discuss for future meetings. If the…

Ranch Roots Genealogy Club to meet May 13

Our May meeting will feature Sherri Hessick who will discuss Secrets to Successful Searches on Ancestry is the most popular website for genealogy research. However, the sheer amount of data can make searching for your ancestors seem daunting. This session will help you navigate the records more efficiently and offer suggestions for maximizing your…

Papercraft demonstration

Carol Smith On April 1, Lori Neal gave a demonstration at the Papercrafting Club on how to do mosaic cards and scrapbooking. She demonstrated the technique of mosaic papercrafting and demonstrated the supplies needed to come out with a unique looking project. She, herself, has done some fantastic scrapbooking pages and several cards that she…

Ranchers share their Texas pride

Janelle Authur Twenty-plus Ranchers who were born in Texas or “got there as fast as they could” brought their Texas pride and enthusiasm for a Texas Club to the Lone Star Roundup on Thursday, March 21. The roundup was held in the Escondido Room at the Ranch House Grill and Brewery. Attendees plotted the cities…

Wine and dine with the Colorado Club

An outstanding evening was enjoyed by forty members of the Colorado Club. The club’s first Wine and Dine was held on March 21 at the Ranch House Escondido Room. The evening plan was for a five-course, four-wine event. The first course was served on trays by servers while the guests were socializing before the start…

Hacienda line dance lessons start in April

Dr. Mark Magdanz Fun exercise fact for your brain: It turns out that dancing in all forms is among the very best activities; line dancing as well as partners! Dancing provides some aerobic activity, learning, balance, coordination, social interaction and fun. Lots of laughter is also proven to be great for the immune system. Since…