Lynbeth Street

What Is Pickleball?

Come join the fun and find out! Learn about pickleball on Tuesday, April 12, at 3:30 p.m. Please arrive 15 minutes early at the Ramada for paperwork. Space is limited to 20 people, so visit our website at to register, then click on “Click to reserve a space!” below the flier information. What you’ll…

SBR Tennis Association Introduces “Pop Tennis”

At this year’s Club Expo held in the Sol Ballroom on March 5, the SaddleBrooke Tennis Association (SBRTA) introduced Pop Tennis, and were inundated with interested parties signing up to play this new format. Pop Tennis (formerly known as paddle tennis) is played on a shorter tennis court where there are no doubles lanes. It is played…

Republican Women of Action Updates

Judy Smith The Republican Women of Action (WOA) announced they became an official club at their Feb. 28 meeting. Carolee Bailey, president, made the announcement that, “While we will remain a group of like-minded women, we have much work to do.” While gaining information about issues is important, it is also important that people know…

Nature’s Way: Cuckoos Are Back Again this Year

Jim Hoagland The SaddleBrooke Ranch Cuckoos team’s participation in the 2021 Tucson Audubon’s Birdathon was such a success that the Cuckoos are back this year. They have a big task ahead of them to top last year’s event since they were crowned Grand Champion of the 2021 Tucson Audubon Society (TAS) Birdathon. The team of…

“Maids a Milking” in SBR

“Eight maids a milking” was not only featured by Nancy Hugus’ ladies during SaddleBrooke Ranch’s carol singing in December, it is also an integral part of Loretta Johnson’s beautiful piece of needlework! Thank you to both!


Melanie Einbund February and March were active months at the Institute for Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS) that included in-person Shabbat services, a class, and Purim. Shabbat services on March 25 were in person with Rabbi Harari officiating, and with cantorial soloist Sarah Boltt accompanied by David Mancini-Conway. Our Feb. 25 service was held in person and…