Unit 8A Adopts a Highway Brian Cowman Have you ever wondered who those people are that pick up trash along the highway? Well, some of those people live at the Ranch in Unit 8A. You may see us out several times a year between milepost 91 and 92, in both the north and southbound lanes. You can’t…
Features, March 2022
Nature’s Way: Hawk Migration in Full Flight this Month

Jim Hoagland Every March, hundreds of birders converge on Ron Morris County Park in Tubac for the annual “Hawk Watch,” a free event. Hawks, vultures, eagles, accipiters, and other raptors migrate north every March along the Santa Cruz River. Ron Morris County Park is the Hawk Watch central. Peter Collins from Hawk Watch International is a…
March 2022
March Master Gardener

Back to the Garden: Seeds for Global Gardens Sheilah Britton, Pinal County Master Gardener I’ve just purchased $30 worth of seeds to plant in the small bins at SaddleBrooke Ranch’s Community Garden and, as an experiment, I intend to catalog and keep a daily journal of its progress and success to be followed up with a report…
Clubs & Classes, March 2022
Register Now for April Art Classes
Connie Kotke, Publicity Chair Research from the National Institutes of Health shows that participating in the arts may improve the health, well-being, and independence of older adults. Do your part by registering now for one or more art classes sponsored by the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild! All classes are conveniently located in the Topaz Room…
Sports, March 2022
2022 USA Pickleball Official Rules

Steve Dumas From Jeff Smith, Chairman, Communications Committee: There has been a lot of chatter lately on the courts about rule changes. One in particular (when is the ball in/out?) has not changed for several years and remains the same for 2022. Basically, if the ball touches the line, the ball is in. The ball is…
Sports, March 2022
More Medals for SBR Pickleballers!

Jeff Smith Five members of the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Pickleball Association brought home four medals from the first annual Legacy Classic. The tournament was staged over three days at the Bell Bank Park in Mesa. Competition was stiff among more than 560 players. We are very proud of the SBR Pickleball Association team members: *…
Sports, March 2022
SBRWGA Members Compete in Women’s State Medallion Tournament

Beth Chamberlin Jean Cheszek and Carol Mihal represented the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) at the State Medallion Tournament. Jean and Carol earned the right to compete in the statewide tournament by winning the SBRWGA local qualifying tournaments held throughout the year. Jean won the medallion for the low gross score, and Carol won…
Features, March 2022
Remembering Larry Stillman
Melanie Einbund Last year, I began writing articles in the SaddleBrooke papers for the Institute for Judiac Services and Studies (IJSS). I followed the year of Jewish holidays, events, and traditions. This allowed me to form articles of general and, in some cases, particular interest. Not being one to like repeating myself, I began thinking…
Features, March 2022
2 Your Health: Massage Can Help with Leg and Foot Cramps
Heidi Overman, Licensed Massage Therapist, #MT-24997 Leg and foot cramps are very common. I find this to be a prevalent issue in my practice and see many who suffer from cramping almost every night. This breaks up sleep and can cause insomnia and fatigue. Massage can be a useful tool in helping relieve the pain…
Features, March 2022
Did You Know?
Linda Harvey Our dark skies at SBR provide a wonderful opportunity to see the International Space Station (ISS). And you don’t even need a telescope as it is visible with your bare eyes. The ISS is the largest artificial object in space and the largest satellite in low Earth orbit. It is about the size…