Lynbeth Street

Ranchette Putters open to all ladies at SBR

Camille Esterman If you are looking for a fun way to meet other ladies at SBR, try your hand at putting or improve your current short game, Ranchette Putters is the club for you. No sponsor or invitation is needed to join. Every Wednesday morning, members assemble on SBR’s 18-hole green. After being assigned to…

Gold level sponsor addresses putters

Camille Esterman Using a game format, Leslie Brown revealed fun facts about real estate in SBR. Ranchette Putters were enthusiastically involved with this presentation from our first gold level sponsor. Thank you, Oracle Land & Homes, Les and Leslie Brown – the Sell, Buy and Rent Team, for your continuing support. Other gold level sponsors…

Dollars and Sense

The Paseo Financial Group: is the HECM refinance mortgage controversial? It shouldn’t be Melanie Sedam The implication is that there is something amiss or wrong with the HECM program. There is absolutely nothing wrong with HECM mortgages. In fact, they are the most heavily regulated mortgages in the country, they require HUD counseling even before…

Test your nutrition knowledge

Nancy Teeter, RDN Listed below are a dozen common “facts.” Can you identify the statements that are fiction? An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You may have heard that saying since childhood but how accurate is that old adage? While they may not prevent all disease, apples are loaded with the powerful antioxidant…

Celebrating Mardi Gras in style

Camille Esterman Masks, crowns, feather boas and lots of beads adorned the guests at a Mardi Gras party hosted by Jan Storey and Jon Swanson, with help from co-hosts, Amanda and John Kaminski.  Everyone arrived wearing Mardi Gras colors of green, yellow or purple and posed for pictures with the festive props provided. The menu…

Blooming where we planted

Janelle Authur Never missing a chance for a party, fifty-nine Unit 8A-ers celebrated the Unit’s streak of 36 months-in-a-row of Happy Hours with a “Blooming Where We Are Planted” dinner party on Friday, February 15, 2019, in the Sol Ballroom. The Happy Hour gatherings started in March 2016 when three Unit 8A couples, Steve and…

Rattlesnake safety for you and your pets

Linda Shannon-Hills You have heard we have rattlesnakes in the desert and in the mountains but do we have them in our community? The answer is yes, but you can a yourself and your pet safe. Join the Thursday Talks on April 18 at 4:00 p.m. in the La Mesa Room to discuss the myths…