
MezzaByte Continues to Support SaddleBrooke Communities

Tim Morsani MezzaByte—the SaddleBrooke computer store—recently donated a laptop to Community Circle Players for use in controlling the sound system of their productions. Susan Sterling, one of the Players’ directors, was enthusiastic in her appreciation of the gift, and said, “This will allow precise control of any sound cues that are used in a theater production, and…

Community Circle Players: Mysterie Solved

Susan Sterling It is no mystery that our SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch audiences love a good whodunit. Community Circle Players Director Susan Sterling awoke from her nap and did it! A play has been chosen. Mark your calendars for the last week in March when CCP will present “The House of Agatha Mysterie.” Ms. Mysterie, the…

A Site to See

Kathy Sinnott Our country was forever changed on Sept. 11, 2001. The pain, tragedy, and loss from this fateful day eventually spurred an idea that would pay tribute to the men and women who fought for our nation’s freedoms. Several Arizona residents banned together in 2015 with an idea for a ‘living memorial’ that would honor…

SaddleBrooke Singers to Perform Christmas Concert

Cheri Emahiser It’s Christmas Eve and Santa’s gone missing! Join the SaddleBrooke Singers as they journey around the globe to help the Christmas elves find Santa Claus, featuring songs that celebrate 17 distinctive countries. Directed by Tanya Elias in collaboration with Tucson’s jazz great, Sly Slipetsky, on the piano, the SaddleBrooke Singers Community Choir is comprised of…

Nature’s Way: The Backbone of Arizona

Gerry Tietje The Mogollon Rim is one of the most striking geological features in Arizona. This massive break in the earth’s topography stretches more than 200 miles across central Arizona into New Mexico. The escarpment, which features towering Kaibab limestone and sandstone cliffs and sheer drop-offs of 1,000 feet or more, is often called the “backbone…

Which Annual or Lifetime Pass Is the Right One for You?

Sharon Ringsven The America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Passes are a suite of annual and lifetime passes that provide U.S. citizens and visitors with an affordable and convenient way to access federal recreation lands. These are often referred to as “Interagency Passes,” and up to 100% of the Pass program’s proceeds are…