
A “Novel” Way to Look at Your Faith Walk

Judy Miller If you’re puzzled about how to live out your daily faith walk and would like to hear how other Christian “walkers” are doing it, come to Judy Miller’s home on Tuesday, Jan. 7, at 1:30 p.m. to preview the novel, Sensible Shoes by Sharon Garlough Brown. It follows the stories of four women as…

Gold Sponsor Joins Putters for Brunch

Allison Honeycutt, from Golf Cars of Arizona, enjoys brunch with Linda Santevanac, Vice President of the Ranchette Putters.

Camille Esterman In spite of the fact that the SaddleBrooke Ranch putting green was closed, 80 Ranchette Putters enjoyed a holiday burrito brunch with Allison Honeycutt, from Golf Cars of Arizona. Breakfast options included sausage, ham, bacon, or vegetarian burritos—all accompanied with salsa and prepared at the Bistro. As the general manager and service manager at the…

Mahjongg Players Score at the Ranch

Participants are (left to right) Janelle Authur, Gale Hall, Elaine Brown, Betty Ryan, Janice Neal, Kate Thomson (third place overall tournament), Gail Latimer, Judie Townsend, Alyce Grover, Debbie Shelton (first place overall tournament), Brenda Pooler, Bonnie Goldman, Sharon Farber, Nancy Stirling (tied for second place overall tournament), Linda Sentivanac, Kathy Keasling (tied for second place overall tournament), Marie Astaire, Monica Gustafson, Nancy Carol, and Rainie Warner.

Janelle Authur Twenty Ranch mahjongg players participated in the SBR Fall 2019 Mahjongg Tournament on Nov. 14 in the Escondido Room at the Ranch House Grill and Brewery. The tournament was the third sponsored by the SBR Mahjongg Club and, given the continued success of the event, plans are underway for a fourth tournament on Thursday,…

SaddleBrooke Ranch Adopt–A–Family “Wrap up”

Kim Schweitzer “Adopting” a family for Christmas is an incredible way to help our neighbors and feel good about doing it. This year, Linda Russell, the Adopt–A–Family coordinator asked me if the residents at SaddleBrooke Ranch could fulfill all the children’s wishes from Mountain Vista School in Oracle. In the past, residents of SaddleBrooke and…

A Summer Get Away

Ed Melnick The summer of 2019 proved to be challenging to even the most diehard SaddleBrookers. A unique way of avoiding the heat and experience a “cooler” summer is to venture north to Logan, UT. They politely call us “Summer Citizens,” which really means people of our age. You will have the opportunity to take…

Giving Thanks

Hosts Jan Storey and Jon Swanson, ready to bring more pans of homemade lasagna to the buffet; photo by Camille Esterman

Camille Esterman The invitation from Jan Storey and Jon Swanson read “‘Eat, Drink and be Thankful’—join us for a ‘Friendsgiving’ open house on the evening before Thanksgiving.” Their kitchen island displayed artfully arranged charcuterie boards containing cheeses, meats, pate, grapes, dates, figs, nuts, olives, cornichons, and crackers. Assorted salads and steamy pans of homemade lasagna and rolls…

2020 SBRTA Officers Elected

Lee Stastny The SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association (SBRTA) has elected the following officers to the 2020 SBRTA board: President Mike Fielding, Vice President Lee Stastny, Secretary Sandy Schlager, Treasurer Tom Ratterman, and Membership Chair Bo Jessop. Thanks to outgoing tennis board members Susan Pharr, president; Dan Smejkel, secretary; Sue Cook, social director; and Lutz Pape, treasurer for all their…

Ranch Roots Genealogy Club

Pegg Ridolfo Our next meeting of Ranch Roots will be on Jan. 27, at 1 p.m. in the La Mesa Room. As a group, we are always searching for new ideas, hints, or even a website that may have been that break-through in your research. Come and share with us your discoveries and how you came…