Thank you, Oracle Schools Foundation champions! Maria Menconi On Oct. 20, a large group of Oracle Schools Foundation (OSF) champions made history! At the annual OSF Gala, the largest group of champions ever (more than 190 strong) gathered at the Vistas in SaddleBrooke One. And then, to further establish their claim to fame, this group…
December 2019
Food – Edited
Save the date for the 22nd annual Food Drive on March 21 Nancy McCluskey-Moore On Saturday, March 21, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) volunteers will once again gather donations of food and money to support the Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB) based in Mammoth. TCFB serves needy families living in Mammoth, San Manuel, and Oracle. Our community’s…
December 2019
California and Colorado Clubs join to cheer on their teams
Linda Shannon-Hills The Ranch House Sol Ballrooms were roaring as fans of the Los Angeles Chargers and the Denver Broncos came together for the first joint event for the California Club and the Colorado Club. Members came dressed in the team colors or their favorite team shirts, hats, and scarves. Besides watching the game, we had…
December 2019
Gift – Edited
The gift that keeps on giving Ron Andrea Too many holiday gifts are gratefully opened, enjoyed for a bit, but soon forgotten. This year, consider giving a different kind of gift—one that won’t be forgotten and will be appreciated for generations. Those of us over 70 and a half years of age are required each year to…
December 2019
How does your garden grow?
Louise Grabell It’s that time of year again. You know, the holiday season. How did this happen? I think yesterday was July, eh? So, I usually devote some space at this time of year to tell you what to do with some of those Christmas bloomin’ beauties you purchased, but I’ll save that for next time.…
December 2019
Avoid this health crisis
Tove Pape Health crises and accidents do happen—Anytime, anywhere, and at any age. My ringing cell phone indicated the caller was my husband who was driving home from a trip. I answered, “Hi, honey. How long until you get home?” He answered in a weak voice, “I’m in the ER.” “Emergency Room! Where are you?…
December 2019
British/Irish/Commonwealth Club gathering
Margaret Moore Booker It was a feast fit for a queen. The Queen of England, to be exact. For the first ever gathering of the British/Irish/Commonwealth Club on Oct. 25, our very own Chef Jose Salas (and his team, pastry chef Thomas and sous chef Sam) created a magnificent British-themed dinner. It featured sausages rolls…
December 2019
Lecture – Edited
January gardening lecture Zann Wilson The Gardeners Exchange in conjunction with the SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners invites you to attend “Colorful Winter Perennials” presented by Eric Clark, Horticulturist at Civano Nursery, Tucson, on Thursday, Jan. 9, at 1 p.m. in the west ballroom of MountainView in SaddleBrooke. Eric has worked as a horticulturist and landscape designer for 25…
December 2019
Don’t miss holiday golf cart procession—December 13
The annual holiday golf parade will be held this year on Friday, Dec. 13, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Line up starts at 1:30 p.m. if you wish to participate. This year has a new twist. The neighborhood is so much larger and complex to drive with decorated carts, so we have shortened the…
December 2019
The Madaras Gallery offers the largest collection of Tucson holiday cards/gifts
Thee Madaras Gallery is a gift-giving wonderland filled with holiday home décor, jewelry, unique southwest gifts and fine art, all with a price point for everyone. Now, with more than 25 different southwest holiday cards, the Gallery features the largest collection of Tucson-themed cards and ornaments, painted and manufactured right here in Tucson. Also featured…