SaddleBrooke Ranch Veterans Club Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. It is a day for Americans to offer tribute and honor to the heroes who laid down their lives to preserve our freedoms. Originally known as Decoration…
Category: May 2021
Features, May 2021
2 Your Health: Golf and Massage: Can Massage Help Your Game?
Heidi Overman, LMT How does your body feel when you’re playing golf? Golf is a game that challenges your body. You are twisting, flexing, gripping, and extending muscles in ways you don’t normally do. The movements are quick, and your muscles need to be able to react without pulling and tweaking while hitting your shot.…
Clubs & Classes, May 2021
SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club: Preparing for September 13 Start!

Matthew Nelson Hello, ladies! So many updates to share. It has been a long time since our last SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club luncheon in February 2020. We are preparing for a Sept. 13 start and have been working with the Ranch House on logistics. We will return to the Sol Ballroom for our luncheons; they…
Front Page, May 2021
“Drive-In” Through the Years

Janelle Authur Residents of Unit 8A bid farewell to year five of monthly happy hours and welcomed in year six on March 19, with “Drive-In” Through the Years, a celebration of half a decade of happy hours and a look back at year five. Sixty-seven Unit 8A residents set up tables and chairs in the socially distanced outdoor theater…
Features, May 2021
Aging in Hope
Linda Shannon-Hills Most of my life, when I would hear someone say, “I hope this will work” or “Our group is hopeful to finish this project,” a feeling of pessimism or lack of confidence popped into my mind. My goal was the knowledge that I could always get it done; I was positive it would be a successful…
Features, May 2021
A Golf Story…
Sports, May 2021
SBR 3.5 Women Pickleball Ladies in Action
Generals, May 2021
IJSS Update

Melanie Einbund, IJSS Secretary During the summer months of June, July, and August, services will not be held. Members will receive notice of High Holy Day services. Institute of Jewish Services (IJSS) welcomes Rabbi Laura Harari to our pulpit. When first interviewed about this position, Rabbi Harari expressed that she was excited and thrilled for the…
Generals, May 2021
International Address Newspaper Forwarding
Effective May 1, 2021, if you would like to receive the SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup at your international address during the summer months, the price of mailing will be $8 per month. You can also read the SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup at our website at for your convenience. Please call our office at 480-895-4506 for setup and further…
Generals, May 2021
It Takes a Village
Linda Shannon-Hills To coin a phrase, “it takes a village” rings true for the SaddleBrooke Ranch COVID-19 vaccination drives that took place during the first four months of 2021. Taking on this project to vaccinate over 1,700 people at SaddleBrooke Ranch was a huge project and could not have been achieved without the help of over 150…