Deb McGiboney On July 18, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association held their private skill ratings. James Cox achieved his 3.0 rating. Congratulations James, we are all very proud of you!
July 5, 2022, was Corky Mansmith’s lucky day. She aced her tee shot on hole number 2 of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club course. Corky drove the ball 132 yards onto the green and into the hole, using her 7 iron. Teammates Anne Terrell, Lori Eby, and Vickie Thomson witnessed the event and celebrated with…
Camille Esterman Rising temperatures and lots of humidity attempted to dampen the spirits of the SaddleBrooke (SBR) Ranchette Putters in July. Determined to survive these natural hazards, members arrived each week dressed for the elements—carrying water, sunscreen, and bug spray. Janice Hynes even volunteered to set up an extra water station in her golf cart…
Come join the fun and find out! Learn about pickleball on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 4 p.m. Please arrive 15 minutes early at the Ramada for paperwork. Space is limited to 28 people, so visit our website at www.sbrpickleball.club to register, then click on “Click to reserve a space!” below the flyer sign. What you’ll…
Debora Witten One of the best things about pickleball is that it’s a sport couples can play together, even into their golden years. SaddleBrooke Ranch has several pickleball partners. Susan and Craig Bauer have been married more than 52 years. Nancy and Ben Eisenstein have been married 46 years. Chris and Gil Logan tied the knot…
Camille Esterman On Friday evening, July 15, Ranchette Putters and their guests showed up at the La Mesa room in Hawaiian attire. After receiving a lei and a door prize ticket, 36 couples had their photos taken before starting a tournament on the SBR green. And then an uninvited monsoon arrived, washing out the event.…
Debora Witten Larry Steinberg has been playing pickleball since 2016. Larry is a retired social worker psychotherapist from New York and got interested in pickleball immediately after he moved to SaddleBrooke Ranch. Larry plays three to four times a week, and after pickleball he makes Ed’s Dogs his first stop. Looking for a cold drink…
Deb McGiboney Ed Kupcis and Linda Inhelder came to the Ranch in March 2018 from Seattle, Wash. They bought a house within easy walking distance to all the facilities, including the tennis courts. At the invitation of their neighbor, Linda started playing in early 2019. She took regular lessons in what, at the time, were…