Category: October 2021

Safety First

Debbie Witten The SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association president, Larry Burchfield, continues to remind his members to play safe. Safety on the court starts with how each player enters and exits the pickleball courts. In the accompanying picture, Raynelle Duhl demonstrates the safest (and only) way to enter and exit the court is by pushing the…

Welcome, New Neighbors

Welcome new homeowners to SaddleBrooke Ranch! Several of you appear on this page as a way to introduce you to our community. While each new homeowner is welcomed by a newcomer volunteer, new people often tell us they also enjoy seeing waves and greetings from their neighbors and people they do not yet know. Many…

News From the SBR Shalom Club

Kim Schweitzer Tashlich, which means “to cast” in Hebrew, as in cast off your sins, is one of those little known, but exceptionally meaningful Jewish traditions. Sherry Weiss welcomed a large group for the second year in a row to our service by the pond to observe the ritual of Tashlich. Barbara Heft explained the ritual,…

Back to the Garden—Our Grateful Desert

Sheilah Britton, Pinal County Master Gardener Just over a year ago, I wrote my first column for SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners. Titled, “Ocotillo: Dead or Alive,” it was inspired by my own Ocotillos that had looked dead from the moment they became part of my landscape but, according to my research, might come to life at…

Monday Night Pickleball Couples

Debbie Witten In early spring, Alison and Bruce Haney decided to get four SaddleBrooke Ranch couples together each Monday evening to play pickleball. First, they play with their spouses as their pickleball partners against another couple. Then, the group plays round robin for five games, playing randomly with all the members of the group. The…

Hooked on Healing Charity Ride October 23

On Saturday, Oct. 23, the Sun Lakes Rotary Club and the San Tan Rotary Foundation are sponsoring the sixth annual “Hooked on Healing Veterans” Motorcycle Charity Ride. The proceeds of this annual event support wounded and disabled veterans living here in Maricopa County. Specifically, proceeds from the day go to benefit the good works of…


G. William Myers (Lt., Civil Engineer Corps, U.S. Navy, Former) The Catalina Mountains Satellite Chapter (CMSC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is ending its summer hiatus and will resume monthly meetings on Oct. 16, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. in the East Dining Room of the Bistro Restaurant located at the MountainView Clubhouse in…

Women of Action Celebrate Their Third Anniversary

Deb McGiboney The Republican Women of Action at SaddleBrooke Ranch celebrated their third anniversary on Aug. 25 in the Ranch House Grill Sol Ballroom. Carolee Bailey, who heads this wonderful group, welcomed guest speaker Jay Wilson, who is the state director of Fair Maps–Redistricting, as well as guest speaker Yale Wishnick, who is the president…

SBRWGA Plans Major Tournaments

Carol Mihal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) has had an unusual year of golf play in 2021 due to both COVID-19 and several months of playing a golf course undergoing renovation efforts. With our golf course scheduled to reopen on Oct. 2, with fully resurfaced greens and other major improvements, the SBRWGA tournament…

Nature’s Way—Chasing Rarities

Jim Hoagland A notice pops up around 8 p.m. I have an email from AZNM Birds. It reads “I heard the distinct call of an eared quetzal while on Miller Canyon trail in the Sierra Vista area today at approximately 7 p.m. It was about 1/2- to 3/4-mile up the canyon from the first parking…