Category: Front Page

Bocce Spring League Championship

The SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Bocce Club Spring League concluded on June 1, with the championship game between Bocced Lobotomy and The Big LeBocce. The match went three games and the rolling was spectacular! In the end, The Big LeBocce clinched the title by winning the rubber match! A big thank you to club sponsors Jeffrey Belokin…

SBRMGA Member/Member Tournament 2023

Tom Graham May 17 and 18 provided near perfect conditions with bright sun, fast true greens, moderate temperatures, a few buzzing bees, and fairways anxious for our 108 competitors to tee it up. The Member/Member, a two-man flighted team competition with an overall winner consisted of four distinct 9-hole formats. Day one front nine was…

Tennis Anyone? Your Heart Will Love You for It!

Kathleen Marshall “Tennis is a moving experience” is a favorite aphorism used by a renowned tennis coach to remind players to move on the court. Certainly, movement is a key element in the sport of tennis and factors into why studies have shown tennis is beneficial to cardiovascular health. In fact, one study found that…

It’s a Paella Party

Lucy Lange Seventy-five friends and family showed up at Maryjane and Rick Carsten’s home on April 30 in SaddleBrooke Ranch to celebrate Maryjane’s 70th birthday. Maryjane was the star of the day but we all agreed her brother and paella maker, Paul Dimech, stole the show with a very artistic and super delicious paella. Paul…

Nature’s Way: Raindrops and Rainbows

Gerald Tietje Noah may have been the first person to see a rainbow, but those of us who live at SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) are fortunate to see many rainbows, especially during the monsoon season. We even see some double rainbows! Rainbows are optical illusions, dependent on the location of the observer. For a rainbow to…

SaddleBrooke Ranch Takes Pickleball Challenge Trophy

Cathy Kauffman Under bright blue skies on April 15, a total of 108 players—27 teams from SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR), and 27 teams from Quail Creek—competed in the annual Pickleball Challenge at the Quail Creek Pickleball Club. The competition was hard-fought, and a good time was had by all. Each winning team earned two points per…

“Senoritas & Margaritas” Highlands Lady Niners Invitational

Constance Garrison Nine of our SaddleBrooke Ranch Lady Niners participated in this Mexican-themed invitational event. It was a wonderful day of golf, dining, and camaraderie with fellow golfers, as well as an opportunity to raise money for local charities. The Highlands Invitational Committee arranged a really fun day! They held the “Senorita Shuffle” (3 best…

SBR Young Guns Win State Championship

Congratulations to SaddleBrooke Ranch Young Guns 3.5, 55+ Men’s Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) State Champions. The Young Guns beat Las Palmas Grande 30-12 to become the first all-SaddleBrooke Ranch resident players to win a state championship. The April 4 playoff day was a challenge, playing in undesirable weather with 12 to 19 mph winds…