Category: Front Page

Spirit of Philanthropy Award given to Linda Harvey

Linda Shannon-Hills When you talk to people in our community you find many people volunteer in some way or another. People volunteer for many reasons, sometimes personal, but always for a purpose. They don’t do it for recognition but to fill a need in helping others. Linda Harvey volunteers for a purpose…to make a difference.…

Club Expo March 31

Linda Harvey The third annual Club Expo for SaddleBrooke Ranch will be held on March 31 at La Hacienda Club from 1:00-3:00 p.m. This event is an opportunity for the clubs, organizations and fitness instructors from SBR to introduce themselves to other residents of the community. Regardless of whether residents are fully retired, semi-retired or…

Pickleballers capture medals in January tournaments

Bob Hills 2015 is a great year for pickleball, celebrating its 50th anniversary as a sport. To kick off the year, Arizona’s pickleball tournament season starts out with three major tournaments in January. Teams from SaddleBrooke Ranch competed in the Tucson Senior Olympic Festival, the Happy Trails Classic and the Mission Royale tournaments. The Tucson…

BeeBop the Night Away on Valentine’s Day

Dianne Johns Get ready to kick off your shoes and dance in your bobby socks at the hop on Valentine’s Day! Practice the twist or mashed potato to music of the ‘50s and ‘60s. There will be prizes including a prize for the best dressed of the era. Remember the poodle skirts, ponytails, blue jeans…

Another Chili Taste Off success!

The chili winners from left are Rick Snowdon third, Andrea Marchus accepting second place for Josh Hermann and Jim Reichard first undefined

Over 143 people walked into the SBR Events Tent on October 18 and were greeted by the many rich aromas of different slow cookers of chili for the third SaddleBrooke Ranch Chili Taste Off. It has become a tradition for residents to make their most savory chili to be judged in a blind tasting by…

Holiday events at the Ranch

The Ranch is finishing 2014 with several holiday events! Hope to see many of you at these events to share in the spirit of the season! December 6, Saturday: Adopt a Family Angel Tree; Happy hour 4:00 p.m. December 17, Wednesday: Christmas caroling practice, La Hacienda club during happy hour December 19, Friday: Christmas caroling;…