Technology Club Awarded Pinal County Grant

Figure 1 original image on top with the optimized image using software

Linda Shannon-Hills The club was awarded funding to implement a Personal Digital Archiving Workstation from the Pinal County Board of Supervisors, under the Partner/External Agency Funding Program for Fiscal Year 2020-21. The Pinal County Board of Supervisors invites nonprofit service providers to apply for funding for specific projects or programs that provide measurable benefits to…

SBRWGA 2020 Del Sud Tournament

SBRWGA sponsor posters and golfers social distancing before round two.

Carol Mihal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) members recently participated in the Del Sud Tournament sponsored by the Southern District Women’s Golf Association (SDWGA) in southern Arizona. This is a two-day low net eclectic tournament which was played on June 9 and 16. An eclectic game results in one 18-hole score per player.…

SBRPA Made a Comeback

Alastair Stone Before the COVID-19 shutdown, three players had had tests arranged, and SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association (SBRPA) Vice President Larry Burchfield was able to agree with SBR management how this could be done. As you can see, Larry had to referee standing outside court 1. Larry was more than a little pleased to referee…

Welcome New Neighbors

Newcomers Are Welcomed Virtually Linda Shannon-Hills and Linda Harvey You have been waiting to close on your new home at SaddleBrooke Ranch, but many of the reasons to come to this great community are limited at this time. The Newcomers Welcome Group could no longer hold Welcome Gatherings due to social distancing, so we are…