Ron Green Our commitment for 2018 is to bring our members great social events and help develop skills playing pickleball. The SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association held its first social event for 2018, our St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Luck of the Dink, on March 14, 2018. We had 48 members participate in this event and the…
May 2018
SBRPA hosts social events and skills development
May 2018
Tennis tournament is a winner
Wes Hurst Our second tennis tournament was a great success for everyone involved. This was our first mixed doubles tournament. Teams were chosen by drawing to match up comparable rated individuals and ensure balanced competition. A round-robin system was used to schedule teams during the tournament. The tournament was the creation of Terry Zimmerman…
May 2018
Women’s Club to host fashion show
Donna P. Nelson Monday, May 14 the Women’s Club is thrilled to be hosting our annual Fashion Show featuring clothing sponsored by Chico’s Tucson at the Casa Adobes Plaza. We will see fellow club members model wonderful outfits and there will be a raffle! We will also be starting our annual membership drive. We…
May 2018
Thursday Talks will host “Money Talks” May 7
Linda Shannon-Hills On Thursday, May 7 at 4:00 p.m., Thursday Talks welcomes Dennis Eckmeyer from SaddleBrooke Ranch and Jeffrey Bradford. During this presentation, they will discuss ways parents can talk to their adult children and grandchildren about financial matters. Parents may even learn a few things themselves. Some of the key topics for this presentation…
May 2018
Ranchette Putters March winners
Camille Esterman March weather turned out to be ideal for putting. Cool temperatures at 9:00 a.m. quickly warmed up under sunny skies, as teams of Ranchette Putters shed their jackets and sweaters. Some impressive scores were recorded in March. Monthly prizes are given out to putters with the first, second and third lowest average scores…
May 2018
Living Life on Purpose – Women’s summer Bible study
Di Monza Are you a year-round resident at SaddleBrooke One, TWO or the Ranch? Even though many activities are put on hold for the summer, several Christian women from the SaddleBrooke communities are sponsoring a summer Bible study. We want to remember Hebrews 10:25, “Let us not give up the habit of meeting together.” It…