20th annual Fore for Kids Charity Golf Tournament, April 23

  Tim Morsani, Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke SaddleBrooke Rotary’s 20th annual Fore for Kids Charity Golf Tournament will take place at the Oro Valley Country Club on April 23. This year’s principal beneficiary is Make-A-Wish Arizona which grants wishes to Arizona children with life-threatening medical conditions. Checks will be made to a 501(c)3 organization so…

New Beginners Class – Line Dance with Rebecca

  Dr. Mark Magdanz Due to changes in community agreements you can join a Saturday Beginners line dance class this January in SaddleBrooke Ranch provided by Rebecca Magdanz. This will be the first time two newcomer classes can be presented weekly. Residents unable to join us on Wednesday now have a new opportunity to line…

Become a member of SBRWGA

  CJ Kerley The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s 18-Hole Golf Association began in the fall of 2012. It has grown significantly this past year to almost 60 members. We are a fun group of ladies who enjoy golf and a good time during organized play every Tuesday morning. During the year, we tee off at 9:00…

Ranchette Putters Club announces December awards

  Linda Nicholson SaddleBrooke Ranch Ranchette Putters announces its monthly award winners for December. Even with the frosty dew on the putting green, the dimpled orb was no match for these ladies. Pretty much two-putting the green, Terry Pendy received lowest average with 36.0. Alyce Grover was awarded for her second lowest average of 36.25…

Ranchers hit Winterhaven

  Dianne Johns ‘Twas 6 days before Christmas and all through the house the hot cocoa was steaming to share with their spouse! The cocoa was packed in the thermos with care In hopes that Winterhaven would soon be there! Then out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, it was 16 Ranchers with…