Vista Fine Arts presents the Desert Wind Saxophone Quartet

Donna Langwig The 2017-2018 season of Vista Fine Arts opens on Sunday, October 22, at 3:00 in the afternoon with the amazing Desert Wind Saxophone Quartet. Since its founding in 1990 the Desert Wind Saxophone Quartet has treated audiences throughout the Phoenix area to a wide variety of music from baroque, jazz and popular music,…

Women’s Club to hold next meeting October 9

May SBRWC new members, left to right: Sue Hanson, Linda Chonle, Madoka Knight, Gay Ohanian, Terri Stewart, Randy Brosnahan, Nancy Olsen, Debi Kerth, Jacque Bratz and Dana Spokane

Donna P. Nelson SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club will have its next meeting on Monday, October 9. Our speakers will be our very own SBR residents Dr. Marcia Grant and Leslie Gordon who will provide us with a look into the future of healthcare and what to be prepared for now and in the near future!…

Queens of Swing

Janice Mihora SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association Queens of Swing winners for September were Carol Mihal with a low gross of 87 and Sterlyn Robertson with a low net of 71. Carol and Sterlyn are eligible to compete on November 14, 2017 for the title of “Queen of Swing.” Congratulations, Carol and Sterlyn! Thank you…

Have you ever been to the Oracle Visitors Center?

Learn what the area has to offer at the Oracle Visitor’s Center

Alicia Bristow, President, Oracle Network The Oracle Visitors Center welcomes SaddleBrook Ranchers! If you have friends or family visiting and want to know what there is to do in the area, stop in at the Center to learn about local events, happenings, places to eat/shop, and about historic B&B lodgings. You will also learn where…

Veterans Day display for 2017

The Veterans Day display of our veterans

Carol Andrews For the last three years at the Ranch we’ve honored our veterans on Veterans Day by displaying their pictures on a large board. We’re doing it again this year. We still have the pictures from previous years, but if you’re a veteran and either new to the Ranch or haven’t participated in the…

SaddleBrooke SkyGazers

Rita Fletcher October 8, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Dr. Tom Fleming, U of A, will present Making Relativity Simple in HOA One activity center. Dr. Fleming received his A.B. in Physics from Cornell University and his Ph.D. in Astronomy from the U of A. He has worked with NASA in the field of x-ray astronomy. He serves…