Tag: Health

First Annual SBR Health & Wellness Fair a Huge Success!

Linda Shannon-Hills “This is an outstanding health fair!” and “Very well organized!” were just some of the comments heard at the first SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Health & Wellness Fair. The Ranch House Sol Ballroom was buzzing with over 45 exhibitors and more than 360 residents in attendance for the fair held on March 9. Our…

2 Your Health: How to Have Healthy Relationships with Adult Children and Siblings

Dr. Rose Bricker Just because our children and siblings are now adults, doesn’t mean that our relationships with them are without challenges. The old pattern of communication is often continued throughout our lives, causing feelings of hurt, frustration, anxiety, and even anger. It’s not until we learn new healthy communication skills that the relationships can…

The Body Works Class … Works!

Debbie McGrady’s Body Works classes are well thought out and are full-body workouts. “I love the fun and energy of the class, along with the great music!” said Stacy Raaf. “Since I have been taking the class, I feel stronger not only in muscle strength but also endurance.” Body Works is every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. and…

2 Your Health: Anxiety: How Therapy and Coaching Can Help

Dr. Rose Bricker, Blue Lemon Health & Wellness Anxiety can be challenging. The symptoms can be wide-reaching and varied. Anxiety doesn’t have to be diagnosed as a disorder to create huge discomfort in our lives. Anxiety affects your whole being. It is a physiological, behavioral, and psychological reaction all at once. Some symptoms of anxiety/panic…

Blood Drive Set for June 17

Tina Fugleberg SaddleBrooke Ranch is on a mission to help save lives by hosting a blood drive on June 17 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The Ranch House, Sol Ballroom, 31143 S. Amenity Dr. The community is invited to take part in this special event and donate blood for hospital patients in our…