Ross Dunfee The Coast Guard has a rich history of consolidation with other federal services. The Coast Guard was created in 1915 when the Revenue Cutter Service (from 1790) was merged with the Life Saving Service (from 1848). In 1939, the Lighthouse Service (from 1789) was added, and the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation…
Generals, April 2022
Please Help Remove Stinknet

Nancy Mumpton Stinknet is a fast-moving, invasive weed in Arizona. It has green “carrot like” leaves and rounded flowers. The leaves smell pungent. It can be allergenic. It emerges from November to April and starts flowering in February. Its seeds are easily spread by wind and traffic. It loves to sprout in the stones along the…
Clubs & Classes, April 2022
Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge 2815 Event

On Feb. 15, Americanism Committee members Al Peterson and Lucy Suddath, along with Exalted Ruler Alane Asp, notified the winners of the Catalina Mountain Lodge #2815 Americanism Essay contest. Joshua Marlott was the Arizona State Southern District Winner for Division I and Lilly Lingard was the Southern Arizona District Winner for Division II; both essays will…
Front Page, March 2022
We Love Pickleball!
Front Page, March 2022
SBCO Annual Food Drive: Fighting Hunger for 24 Years

Nancy McCluskey-Moore This year SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) is celebrating 25 years of making a difference in local communities. Initially, SBCO focused on providing clothing for local school children in need. But even in its early days, SBCO expanded its reach into the local communities beyond clothing. The first SBCO Annual Food Drive was held…
Front Page, March 2022
Paper Crafters Donate Custom Items

Barb Warnell The SaddleBrooke Ranch Paper Crafters were asked by the SBR Women’s Club to donate custom items to their auction for the Oracle Schools Foundation. Creative members Jan Knapp, Diana Posada, and Barb Warnell were happy to pitch in for this worthy cause. The items donated were auctioned at the Women’s Club luncheon in…
Clubs & Classes, March 2022
So Many Benefits of Dancing

Carol Osgood Dance and exercise your way to a strong heart and good health! Enjoy the company of others with music and movement. Dancing is good for you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Learning the basics of dance can increase your confidence in a variety of situations without you realizing it. Take your mind off…
Clubs & Classes, March 2022
Unsung Hero to the Pinal County Animal Shelter

Joy Wegner Quietly, without fanfare or proclamations, Tim Daviess, a resident of SaddleBrooke Ranch, is a hero to the dogs at the Pinal County Animal Care and Control shelter. Nearly every week, Daviess repairs torn and worn dog beds used for the Shelter’s kennels. The beds are brought to the Daviess garage at the Ranch…
Clubs & Classes, March 2022
The Curious Savage: A Dinner Theater Treat

Andrea Molberg It’s time to get your tickets for dinner plus live theater on the SaddleBrooke Ranch stage! Community Circle Players’ (CCP) performances of the comedy The Curious Savage are Tuesday and Wednesday, March 22 and 23, and SaddleBrooke Ranch is in for a treat. Login to your member account at, then go to the recreation…
Generals, March 2022
Newcomers Welcome Releases Updated Settler’s Guide
Linda Shannon-Hills The Newcomers Welcome group just released an updated version of the Settler’s Guide. The guide is designed to help new residents settle into their new SaddleBrooke Ranch homes. It contains information about our community and surrounding area. It is intended to acquaint you with activities inside the community, places of interest near SaddleBrooke…