Ann Vernon As one of the fixed-price events in conjunction with the Oracle Schools Foundation Gala/Auction, Randall Dighton, a SaddleBrooke resident, entertained 35 guests at the home of Ann and Nile Vernon on Friday, Oct. 20. It was a beautiful night, and guests mixed and mingled as they munched on a variety of tasty appetizers prepared…
December 2023, Generals
Did You Know? Medical Equipment Loans Available to All Residents
Linda Shannon-Hills—SBR Neighbors Helping Neighbors Did you know residents of SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) have an inventory of SBR medical equipment loans, maintained by SBR residents, that is available to SBR neighbors while they recover from surgery, injury, or an accident? Residents keep their items at their homes but can be contacted directly to borrow the needed items.…
December 2023, Generals
SBR Women’s Clothing Exchange
Erin Newman On Oct. 15, a small group of women from SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) got together to shop for clothes, all in the name of fun and with no money changing hands! Each participant brought their gently worn clothes, shoes, purses, and accessories and in exchange for their donations, got to go shopping for free. The air…
December 2023, Generals
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit Articles
The deadline for the January edition is Dec. 8 by noon. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website link: For article and photo guidelines, or if you have any questions, please call 480-895-4216.
December 2023, Generals
Agatha Mysterie’s Montana Mansion Is the Place
Jim Ward Will you be there? Susan Sterling stepped up as director (again) to everyone’s delight. She chose a murder mystery because it’s no secret, the audience loves a good murder mystery. Audiences will be happy to hear “The House of Agatha Mysterie” will be performed March 25, 26, 27 and 29, 30, 31. Tickets…
December 2023, Generals
Come Volunteer or Adopt a New Family Member!
Elizabeth Mastro When my husband and I decided to move to the Ranch, I knew that I wanted to volunteer with a Lab rescue. I had volunteered with a Lab rescue where I previously lived for eight years, and loved it and wanted to continue. I researched rescues prior to moving and chose Southwest Oasis Labrador…
December 2023, Generals
Save the Dates!
Tina Fugleberg Red Cross Blood Drives will take place at the SaddleBrooke Ranch Sol Ballroom, 31143 S. Amenity Dr., from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the following dates in 2024: Feb. 3, April 6, June 1, Aug. 3, Oct. 5 and Dec. 7 Questions? Contact Blood Drive Lead Tina Fugleberg at 360-218-6626 or [email protected].
December 2023, Generals
Two Christmas Concert Dates!
Cheri Emahiser Have you purchased your tickets yet? If not, there are still tickets available for the SaddleBrooke Singers’ Sunday matinee or Monday evening performance. Come join us as we journey around the globe singing songs celebrating 17 distinctive countries. Tanya Elias directs the choir in collaboration with Tucson’s jazz great, Sly Slipetsky, on the piano.…
December 2023, Generals
Why Is My Loved One With Mental Illness Not Getting Better?
The Santa Catalina Mental Health Ministry is hosting an expert panel discussion called “Understanding the Levels of Psychiatric Care Is Key to Treatment Success.” The discussion will be held on Jan. 21, 2024, from 1 to 3 p.m. or Jan. 29 from 6 to 8 p.m. The same program will be repeated twice, so feel free to attend the one that fits your schedule. The…
December 2023, Generals
Blanket Month at the Food Bank
Rosemary Douglas November was Blanket Month at the Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB). In addition to a Thanksgiving holiday meal, and our regular monthly food offering, each family also received a warm, soft, queen-sized blanket. Our families greatly appreciated having a new blanket as the colder months approach. We are very grateful to our generous donors,…