Ann Vernon Ann and Nile Vernon and Steve Liakos hosted a Latin American dinner as a live auction item for the Oracle School Foundation Gala. Nile, a former university Spanish professor, who has spent a lot of time in various Latin American countries, wanted to dispel the myth that Latin American food is like Mexican…
Sports, June 2020
What Putters are Doing While the Green is Closed
Generals, June 2020
Health Fair Update

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator The SaddleBrooke Health Fair Planning Committee is aware of the dangers presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and that SaddleBrooke residents are at high risk for contracting and suffering from the illness. We also recognize that no one knows what the pandemic situation will be in the latter half of October. The Health…
Features, June 2020
Word of the Month: Tsuris
David Zapatka Friend Marty Minnich and I were discussing the coronavirus pandemic when he closed his email with this statement, “I hope you and I will see each other fairly soon on the other side of all this tsuris.” Marty loves words so he threw in tsuris at the end of his message. He’s a fellow…
Features, June 2020
Trico Donates $250,000 to Help Members and Communities Affected by COVID-19 Crisis
Vincent Nitido, CEO/General Manager Trico Electric Cooperative is committed to helping our members and the communities we serve as we face the health and economic challenges presented by the COVID-19 emergency. In partnership with the Trico Foundation and the Trico Electric Charitable Trust, Trico has adopted a COVID-19 Assistance Program that will provide bill credits…
Features, June 2020
Welcome New Neighbors
Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills You have just moved into SaddleBrooke Ranch. Getting to know other new neighbors is a good way to get incorporated into this friendly and fast-growing community. Due to the quarantine of facilities, we have been contacting new residents with electronic copies of our Settler’s Guide and other important files to…
Front Page, May 2020
Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Ranch Residents Spring Into Action

Arlene Wong As things moved from social distancing to staying at home (except for necessities), our world quickly became the streets and trails of the Ranch. In the past, we’ve always felt blessed to be living at the Ranch, where neighbors and friends would help each other. This was a wonderful part of the culture…
Sports, May 2020
Putters Enjoying the ‘Green’ Green

Camille Esterman One week before the shutdown of group activities, the Ranchette Putters were surprised with an early St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Denise Sandoval and her decorating team placed lucky shamrocks, Irish hats, beads, feather boas, spring bouquets, and money bags around the 18-hole SBR putting green. Afterwards, the social hour included table prizes for…
Generals, May 2020
Newly Published Author and Ranch Resident, Linda Gorman, to Help Pet Charities

Ken Gorman, Publicist Linda Gorman, nine-year resident of SaddleBrooke Ranch, is now officially a published author. Her book titled Stories of Pets by Pets for Pets is published by Archway Publishing partnered with Simon and Shuster. Linda’s book is a collection of short stories of pets of SaddleBrooke Ranch, based on true facts collected from questionnaires…
Features, May 2020
Robson Resident, Mary Bubla, Chosen for 45th Annual Western Federation of Watercolor Societies Exhibition

Mary Bubla We are pleased to announce that Mary Bubla, a member of the Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild, has been juried into the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies (WFWS) 45th annual exhibition to be held in Boise, Idaho, at the Idaho State Museum. The painting entitled Color in the Desert is one of 100 paintings selected…