Tag: Golf

For All the Pearls!

Debbie Ferguson Happy New Year, golf fans! What do pearls have to do with the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA)? The always exciting member/member tournament was held on Nov. 27 and 28 with a record of 72 members playing under the theme of Putts, Pearls, and Polka Dots. All the flights were named after…

October Was a Busy Month for the SBRWGA

Debbie Ferguson Welcome back, golf fans! September may have been a slow golf month, however, your SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) made up for it in October. The month started with the annual meeting. Several bylaws were passed. Please see the SBRWGA website for the details. This important information is much too boring to print…

Ranchette Putters Milestone: 200 Members Strong

The SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Ranchette Putters formed a club in 2014 with just a few members. Since then, we have reached a milestone of 200 members and counting. To celebrate, the Ranchette Putters held a special member tournament titled Bewitching Puttering Pumpkins. Vicki Thompson, event chairman, and her committee organized the tournament with special Halloween-themed obstacles on…

Ranchette Putters October Award Winners

Pam Engelhardt Ranchette Putters announce the following October Award winners: Gross Average Lowest Gross Average—Roxanne Watson—34.667 Second lowest Gross Average—Sue Marx—36.333 Third Lowest Gross Average—Trish Minard—37.80 Net Average Lowest Net Average—Terry Menning—36.467 Second Lowest Net Average—Sharon Steen—36.767 Third Lowest Net Average—Corky Mansmith—37.633 Holes–In–One Doris Carlin, Amy Donaldson, Cindy Kreis, and Terri Manning—Six Holes-in-One Evelyn Silver—Eight Holes-in-One

Funday Monday Golf Ladies Spooky Halloween Party

Constance Garrison The Funday Monday Golf Ladies held their annual Halloween Party at the home of Connie Garrison and co-hosted by Linda Zoellner. It was a very spooky night, as everyone was required to enter the house wearing a scary mask. After the ladies obtained an adult beverage, we all voted for the best mask.…

Mixed Stix Golf Tournament Results Are In!

Debbie Ferguson Hello, golf fans! The date was July 24, 2023. The SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association (SBRMGA) and SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) combined for this action-filled event. Men and women competing for, you guessed it, bragging rights. Tension was in the air early Monday morning. The questions on everyone’s minds included, Would…

Women’s Golf Association News and Notes

Debbie Ferguson Hello, golf fans! Tuesdays in July provided the usual hot and windy conditions here at the Ranch. Temps reached triple digits by mid-rounds. July 4 had no league play; we hope you enjoyed the party on the event patio. July 11 offered a fun team game, Step Aside Scramble. The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) twist to…

SBRWGA 2023 Telegraph Tournament Results

Debbie Ferguson Hello golf fans! Your rookie reporter is back and happy to report that the warm weather has finally arrived at the Ranch. It made for a perfect day for the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association’s (SBRWGA) annual Telegraph Tournament. This event is sponsored by the Southern District Women’s Golf Association (SDWGA). Clubs across Southern Arizona…