
The Ranch Players Club – Back in the Saddle!

Josephine Zara What: An introductory meeting for present and prospective Ranch Players. When: Tuesday, Feb. 11, 3-5 p.m. Where: Sol Ballroom Agenda: 1. Who are the people organizing The Ranch Players and what is their experience? 2. What is Chamber Theater? 3. A demonstration by two Ranch Players of the Chamber Theater style. 4. Introducing…

Senior Softball Another Option for SBR Residents

Ranch senior softball players (from left): Charlie Scott, Jef Farland, Terry Hurley, David St. Jules, Mary Schneck, Charles Hendryx, Barb St. Jules; Not pictured: Steve Schneck, John Shaughnessy, Terry Mihora, Janice Mihora, Jeff Stolze, Hugh Parker, and Rick Hanson; photo by Dennis Purcell

Terry Hurley There’s lots to do at SaddleBrooke Ranch, but one activity many residents may not be aware of is softball; probably because the games are played at SaddleBrooke. SaddleBrooke Senior Softball is open to Ranch residents. This past fall season saw 11 men and three women play on the state-of-the-art field complete with dugouts, electronic…

November Coyote Queen

CJ Kerley On Nov. 19, the SaddleBrooke Ranch women golfers competed in the final “Coyote Queen” tournament for the year. This competition is held every other month, and golfers can only win once within the year. The winner for November was Joyce DeYoung with a score of 44. Congratulations to Joyce for a great round of…

The Seventh Annual ARTwalk, Another Great Success

Linda Shannon-Hills This year, we had 25 homes with 40 artists showing their work. Even with adding an extra hour, it was a challenge for residents and their guests to visit all the homes. Unlike typical arts and craft shows, the SaddleBrooke Ranch ARTwalk provides artists an opportunity to show and for some to sell their…

Shalom Club Has Big Plans

Members of The Shalom Club visit Nogales on a tour sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Southern Tucson; photo by Larry Schweitzer.

Kim Schweitzer and Arlene Wong The Shalom Club is dedicated to the enrichment of Jewish life for SaddleBrooke Ranch residents. Our goal is to create a warm and welcoming environment that builds life-long relationships, celebrates together, and supports each other in times of need. A group of Shalom Club members met on Nov. 19, to…

Round-up—Holiday Cart Parade

Linda Shannon-Hills The weekend fanfare began on Dec. 13 with the SaddleBrooke Ranch Holiday Parade leaving the new Ranch House with five electric carts and two bicycle entries decorated for the holidays   At 2 p.m., the procession left the Creative Arts and Technology Center and went around Amenity Drive. As always, we had many clever…

Glowing in the Dark

First place winners (front): Mike and Lori Eby, (back): Larry and Sandee Bickelhaupt (photo by Camille Esterman and Connie Garrison)

Camille Esterman Unfavorable weather conditions and re-seeding operations limited the times the Ranchette Putters could meet in October and November. However, a Moonlight Couples Putting Event provided a great opportunity for everyone to putt, socialize, and ‘glow’ in the dark. The event was limited to 54 couples, who were assigned to teams of four or…