Tag: Golf

Putting During the Dog Days of Summer

Camille Esterman Hot and humid days in August are often called the “dog days” of summer. Is this because we’ve all seen our canine friends panting with their tongues hanging out? Or because the August skies find the Dog Star, Sirius, rising and setting with the sun? Ancient astronomers thought the star shared its heat with…

Corky Mansmith Makes a Hole-in-One

July 5, 2022, was Corky Mansmith’s lucky day. She aced her tee shot on hole number 2 of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club course. Corky drove the ball 132 yards onto the green and into the hole, using her 7 iron. Teammates Anne Terrell, Lori Eby, and Vickie Thomson witnessed the event and celebrated with…

Putters’ Island Spirit Survives Monsoon

Camille Esterman On Friday evening, July 15, Ranchette Putters and their guests showed up at the La Mesa room in Hawaiian attire. After receiving a lei and a door prize ticket, 36 couples had their photos taken before starting a tournament on the SBR green. And then an uninvited monsoon arrived, washing out the event.…

SaddleBrooke Classic Comes to the Ranch

Beth Chamberlin In late May and early June, the event previously known as “Home & Home & Home” was played. In 2022 the women’s golf associations at SaddleBrooke Ranch, SaddleBrooke One, and Mountain View/Preserve renamed the event the SaddleBrooke Classic. The SaddleBrooke Classic is a reciprocal event that is played annually, and always draws a…

SDWGA Spring/Summer Partners Tournament Results

Beth Chamberlin On May 9 and 10, several Ranch golfers competed in the Southern District Women’s Golf Association (SDWGA) Spring/Summer Partners Tournament. The tournament was held at the beautiful Sewailo Golf Club in Tucson. Jean Cheszek and her partner Janey Clausen (SaddleBrooke resident) were in the top flight and placed first in the low net…

Prize-Winning Derby Hats

Beth Chamberlin On April 25, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) held a Derby Hat Competition in conjunction with the 2022 Member-Guest Tournament. The winners were announced at the luncheon on April 26. The article and photo in the June Ranch Roundup mistakenly identified the incorrect winners of this competition. The correct winners are…

Putters Get X-Pert Advice

Camille Esterman Joe Pate, owner of X-Pert Automotive in Catalina, joined the Ranchette Putters in the La Mesa room after a recent putting session. As a gold level sponsor, Pate had an opportunity to describe his shop on Oracle Road, share his business philosophy, and answer many questions from our members. Pate said that his…

SBRMGA 2022: What’s Happening

Tom Graham It’s been a busy 2022 thus far and looks to be even busier the rest of the year. In addition to the SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association (SBRMGA) weekly Thursday shotgun games, we held three special multiday events. The first was our three-day Ryder Cup with 100 members competing on two teams. Congratulations to…

Early Putting Began in May

Camille Esterman The Ranchette Putters welcomed any chance to putt before the heat of the day, as the club initiated an earlier start time in May. Cool temperatures and breezy conditions often greeted members as they assembled at 8 a.m. However as the sun warmed the air and play ended, everyone was grateful for the…