Tag: softball

Labor Day Softball Tournament a big hit

Mark Hojnacki Sunny skies and temperatures in the 80s high-lighted another successful SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Labor Day Tournament. A crowd of nearly 300 SaddleBrooke residents and visitors were treated to three well-played games, enjoying hot dogs, brats and other refreshments provided by our sponsor, Hardin Brothers Automotive. The opening Competitive Game pitted the visiting DS…

Softball announces Spring winning teams

Carol Chiarello SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association recently ended a short but sweet spring season. The statistics were compiled and here are the results: Monday Recreation Vantage West Credit Union, managed by Janice Mihora, ran all over the Shelves That Slide team all season long, winning seven out of eight games and outscoring them by 70 runs…

Memorial Day Softball Tournament – A day of remembrance

Mark Hojnacki SaddleBrooke Senior Softball paid tribute to one of its brightest stars on Memorial Day 2018. Richie Adams passed away last September and our entire softball community lost a great friend and teammate. Richie’s wife, Ethel, was present for the tribute delivered by friend and past SSSA President Ed Cussick. We are all grateful…

Why we play softball here in SaddleBrooke

Mark Hojnacki There is no doubt that many senior citizens live very active lives here in our community. Entering the golden years and beyond, seniors have consistently proven that retirement is not a static experience but one in which they can continue to enrich themselves in various ways. Many men and women use their free…

St. Patrick smiles on SaddleBrooke

  Mark Hojnacki Sunny skies and light winds made it a perfect day for softball for our annual St. Patrick’s Day Tournament. Game one pitted the visiting Home Team Pest Defense against Lexus of Tucson in a Community/Coyote League clash. Both teams matched each other the first two innings 8 to 8, but Lexus scored…

Senior Softball Winter League update

  Mark Hojnacki Approaching the mid-season mark of the Winter League season, stellar hitting dominates all seven leagues in SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association. The season ends the last week of April when we say good-bye to our snowbird players returning to their summer homes. Sign-ups for spring season will be in early April. In the…

Fall season softball champs crowned

  Carol Chiarello The fall softball season came to an end December 15. Let’s recap the final results. Monday Community League – Splendido, managed by Debbie Seguin, came in first place with a record of seven wins, only three losses. Second place went to Stifel, led by Dave Stevens, with a final tally of five wins…

Summer Softball highlights

The Charles Company team, with manager Ron Quarantino, dominated Monday softball. Photo by Pat Tiefenbach

Pat Tiefenbach and Carol Chiarello The long hot summer is over, and the SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association (SSSA) is excited to announce the results of our summer leagues. Before we begin let’s take a moment to learn a bit of history about “20 years” of softball teams and one guy in particular. Ron Quarantino, or…

Blue Teams and Brats dominate Labor Day Softball Tourney

Competitive game: Harold Weinenger reaches to tag runner Don Jones as he stirs up the dust at third base. Photo by Dennis Purcell

Carol Chiarello A record crowd braved the hot and humid weather to watch three (mildly) exciting softball games at the annual Labor Day Softball Tournament sponsored by the SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association (SSSA). Dozens of volunteers helped to make this a fun day at the ballpark. Thank you to Doug Wagers, the Window Wizard, and…

A story about softball champs

John’s spring season teammates. For those who wonder if ladies play softball, please note there are four ladies on this team; add one more that was missing on photo day. Photo by Pat Tiefenbach.

Carol Chiarello and Pat Tiefenbach The SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association (SSSA) recently ended its eight week spring season. This article usually details the records of the teams and who became the champs, but this time things are a little different. A guy named John Vosper plays softball, and he is 85 years young; he will…