Unit 6 Holds Their First Ever Annual Halloween Crawl Linda Chase Unit 6 held their first-ever Halloween crawl. Residents dressed up in Halloween costumes and strolled over to various Unit 6 host homes to enjoy beverages, spooky appetizers, and great company. Being a new unit to SaddleBrooke Ranch, this was the first time meeting neighbors…
Tag: unit happenings
Generals, December 2021
Unit Happenings
“Wine Connoisseurs” of Unit 6 Linda Chase The Unit 6 residents held their first-ever wine tasting event on Oct. 16. Given it was the Halloween season, the theme was “Spooky/Mysterious Wines” hosted at Jes and Linda Chase’s home. The host family supplied the wines and the guests supplied the appetizers, which were not only very…
Generals, November 2021
Unit Happenings
“Sweet” 16A Get-Together Kim Schweitzer On Sept. 29, residents of unit 16A gathered at The Bistro for a Welcome Fall Happy Hour. Together we snacked, clinked our glasses, talked, and were just happy to see our friends and neighbors. For some of the attendees, this was the first time meeting and getting acquainted with their…
Generals, August 2021
Unit Happenings
The Unit 8A Ladies Lunch with Lavender Shelley Ziegler On the last day of June, 2021, 23 Unit 8A ladies took a short road trip off of the SBR property for their monthly luncheon. Five cars caravaned up to Life Under the Oaks Lavender Farm, in beautiful Oracle, Ariz. Many of the women wore the color…
Generals, July 2021
Unit Happenings
Unit 8B Jodde Weiland Our SaddleBrooke Ranch neighborhood, Unit 8B, was finally able to come together after COVID-19 and celebrate as a unit on May 14. The Unit 8B happy hour took place in Rick and Jodee Weiland’s backyard where neighbors came together to celebrate friendships, both new and old! Many of those present moved into…
Generals, June 2021
Unit Happenings
Unit 8a – Tripped Up with Trivia Janelle Authur There is a saying that “necessity is the mother of invention.” During the past year’s COVID pause, finding ways to play games in small, socially distanced groups certainly required new approaches. In June 2020, Unit 8A tried an outside, small group approach to trivia. Based on…
Generals, May 2021
Unit Happenings
Welcome Unit 6 to the Ranch Elizabeth Mastro The pioneer new residents of Unit 6 had a socially distant driveway meet and greet on March 20. Residents Lou and Elizabeth Mastro organized the event in their driveway. The event was attended by 11 families. Everyone enjoyed the spring-like weather and Sonoran sunset. It was a…
Generals, March 2021
Unit Happenings: 16B Wanderers: A Traveler’s Guide for 2021
Joy Hellard “On the road again–just can’t wait to get on the road again!” These Willie Nelson lyrics remind many residents of SaddleBrooke Ranch that their bucket list destinations are on hold. Despite COVID restrictions and closed attractions, homeowners in 16B decided to spice up their new year’s exercise resolutions by taking a virtual travel…
Generals, February 2021
Unit Happenings
Unit 16B Christmas Decorations Laurie McCoy Given a challenge to decorate for the holidays, Unit 16B embraced the opportunity and awarded the three best. Between Dec. 13 and Dec. 20 neighbors voted for who they believed provided the best decorations in the community. The competition was stiff with snowmen, angels, gnomes, Santa, a golfing moose,…
Generals, January 2021
Unit Happenings: Unit 16B Scavenger Hunt: “Where’s Waddle?”
Joy Hellard Adapted from the game “Where’s Waldo,” unit 16B held an outdoor Thanksgiving scavenger hunt Nov. 25 through Nov. 27, 2020. The rules for the game asked participants to hide up to three turkeys in their front yards. As dawn appeared on Nov. 25, the creativity of the residents’ turkeys was notable. Towering at…