Tag: Golf

SBRMGA Club Championship

Tom Graham In a year of COVID and course improvements, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association (SBRMGA) was still able to conduct its premier event—the Club Championship Nov. 3 and 4. The Club Championship is a two-day low gross tournament. It’s open to all full members with a separate championship flight, and four additional flights…

Putters Rally in October

Camille Esterman October turned out to be an ideal month to resume putting activities on the SBR 18-hole green. After a very long hiatus due to COVID and the conditions on the course, the Ranchette Putters turned out in force to putt and socialize. Enthusiastic ladies showed up and attended enough weekly sessions to qualify…

SBRWGA Telegraph Tournament Results

Carol Mihal The brisk morning of Tuesday, Oct. 19, turned into a beautiful day for the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association’s (SBRWGA) annual Telegraph Tournament. This tournament began many years ago, prior to many organized sport associations, when most players were unable to travel to competitions. Local competitions were then held, and the results were…

SBRWGA Welcomes New Members

Carol Mihal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) sponsored a Coffee Get-Together on the morning of Nov. 4 for all members who joined in 2021. Many members of the SBRWGA Board of Directors attended, along with golf pros Mike Jahaske and Ken Steinke. Of the 25 new members in 2021, 14 ladies attended this…

Putters Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Camille Esterman During the month of October, members of SBR Ranchette Putters collected funds in support of breast cancer awareness. The club agreed to match up to $250 in donations. Our generous putters contributed $725! With the club’s $250 pledge, a check for $975 was sent to the American Cancer Society.

Putters Eager to Socialize

Camille Esterman It was evident that the Ranchette Putters missed the opportunities to socialize and putt. President Linda Sentivanac greeted approximately 70 women—many dressed in pink—at the “Welcome Back Putters Party.” The club invited all women in SaddleBrooke Ranch, and 26 prospective members were present. Many of them joined on the spot. Mexican hats and…

Spooky Scene on the Green

Camille Esterman The last putting session in October provided an opportunity for many of the Ranchette Putters to show up in nontraditional golf attire. There were skeletons, a minion, a cheerleader, cowgirls, witches, an ER nurse, the Grim Reaper, a hippie, Cleopatra, giant pumpkins, a lady bug, kitty cats, and a gal ready to go…

SBRWGA 2021 Solheim Cup Tournament

Carol Mihal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) held its 2021 Solheim Cup Tournament on Oct. 25  and 26. The official Solheim Cup Tournament, which began in 1990, is for professional women golfers in teams of American vs. European golf competitors. The SBRWGA Solheim participants were divided into two equitable handicap teams by team co-captains.…

Fore For Kids Annual Charity Golf Tournament

Barbara Barr and Joe Guyton On Monday, Nov. 22, the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke will be holding its signature fundraiser for area children, the Fore For Kids Charity Golf Tournament, at the Oro Valley Country Club. If you have never played at this private club, this is your chance, but there are only a few…

SBRWGA Plans Major Tournaments

Carol Mihal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) has had an unusual year of golf play in 2021 due to both COVID-19 and several months of playing a golf course undergoing renovation efforts. With our golf course scheduled to reopen on Oct. 2, with fully resurfaced greens and other major improvements, the SBRWGA tournament…